The Operation “Dusseldorf Carnival”, 1996 – 2020: I will call him “The Demiurge”.

The Demiurge has many faces and wears many masks, new and old. He has many names too, and the main of them is the German Military Intelligence, or in its most recent reincarnation, the Abwehr.

Image result for Admiral Canaris

Admiral Canaris – Google Search
German General Staff – Wikipedia



6:40 PM 8/15/2018 – M.N.: My Opinion: This is petty, unprecedented, and “unpresidential”: Trump revokes security clearance of former CIA director who has criticized the White House – Yahoo News – 


The Operation “Dusseldorf Carnival”, 1996 – 2020: I will call him “The Demiurge”. 

“Abwehr” Revived and Reactivated?!

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M.N.: You were correct, Admiral Canaris: “These things are taking place” right under the World’s nose, and it is hard to breath: 

The Inescapable Stench Of The German Intelligence – The Operation “Dusseldorf Carnival”: 1996 – 2020. 

The traditional historical homophobic and antisemitic patterns and stereotypes of the German Military Intelligence and the German General Staff reveal their source, readily shining through their double and triple covers. Or the multiple and misleading covers, the multitude and the infinity of the halls and houses of mirrors, historical, political, and psychological, in the “Angletonian sense”.

I will call him The “Demiurge”! | Mr. Mueller, who are the real principal authors and actors of the operations “Trump” and “9/11”?

I will call him “The Demiurge”.

The Inescapable Stench Of The German Intelligence | THE DEMIURGE AND THE DAGGERSTAB, FOR THE “LABRAT NUTS” – BY MICHAEL NOVAKHOV – Summary – 8.8.18 Update: M.N.: Mr. Mueller, who are the real principal authors and actors of the operations “Trump” and “9/11”? 


4:15 AM 8/11/2018

“Trump’s intransigence raises the prospect that Mueller will need to submit his report to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein with no input from the president. This is simply an unacceptable resolution for a probe of this gravity.

Mueller’s mission is not just to investigate and charge crimes. It is also to determine what happened. Indeed, he is the country’s only hope for some clear picture of the facts.

As the recently released tapes of Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., makes clear, congressional Republicans are determined to avoid any serious investigation, and the media can probe only so far.

A stunning feature of the drama Trump has inflicted on the country is that we have become inured to daily dishonesty of an unprecedented sweep and magnitude. We acquiesce, or at least cease to push back against, the argument that lying to the media and public is no crime.”

Column: Time For Mueller to Bring Out the Big Guns

Column: Time For Mueller to Bring Out the Big Guns

Valley News5 hours ago
Even as Special Counsel Robert Mueller marches forward with his prosecution of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and as the case that …
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
THE DAGGER – 2014 – The Dagger (Full Album) – YouTube

mikenova shared this story .

THE DAGGER – 2014 – The Dagger (Full Album)

Mozart – Requiem By Herbert von Karajan (Full HD) (Full Concert) – YouTube

mikenova shared this story .

Mozart – Requiem By Herbert von Karajan (Full HD) (Full Concert)

Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology and Strategic Intelligence Assessments – Google Search

The “German Hypothesis” of Operations “Trump” and “9/11”

Q.: Michael, where are the proofs? 

A.: I gave you the concept, you go get the proofs. 

Every criminal trial is the attempt to prove the previously formed formula (the “preexisting condition”), the proposed explanation of the crime by the prosecution, its refutation by the defense, and its mediation by the judge, and with the resulting judgment, which in turn is the subject of appeals, further discussions and interpretations. 

I (or, for this “matter”, hypothetically, any observer, interpreter, or commentator in the field of the Political Criminology, employing the Hermeneutic, or any other type of the “informed”, “scientific”, or “convincing”, or “expert” Analysis) gave you the formula, very clear and simple one. You, Mr. Mueller, FBI, and the “significant others”, go and get the evidence, by any means you deem fit, and you do with this evidence whatever you deem fit. But everyone from now on will be watching you, and very carefully. 

Michael Novakhov 

11:19 AM 8/9/2018

P.S. The calculations of risks of any hypothetical intervention are outside the scope of the Hermeneutics and belong to the risks assessment analysis, apparently. – M.N. 

See also these posts:

8:49 AM 7/31/2018 – Saxon Thunderbolt! M.N.: My dear friend Ernst (Uhrlau)! | Update – 5:53 AM 7/30/2018: Neu-ferch-au! Wolfs-burg! | 5:11 AM 7/29/2018 – Recent Accidents Review: Interpretation by M.N.: “I am the Real Demiurge!” | Saxon – Thunderbolt – 

M.N.: My dear friend Ernst (Uhrlau)! | Update – 5:53 AM 7/30/2018: Neu-ferch-au! Wolfs-burg! | 5:11 AM 7/29/2018 – Recent Accidents Review: Interpretation by M.N.: “I am the Real Demiurge!” | Saxon – Thunderbolt (Official Video) – YouTube | Deutsche Welle: – Top Stories: Germany: Lightning injures several at family birthday party – Today, July 29th 06:31 

to throw stone at dog bible – GS

“Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.”

(Classic Hermeneutic) Interpretations


Matthew 7:6.

M.N.: In my humble (“Hermeneutic“) opinion, it is difficult to find, out of these 14 “Commentaries”, the one that is fully satisfactory in its explanatory power, with this quote being probably the best: 

“The endeavour to correct the faults of others must be confined within its proper limits, and not allowed to become a casting of holy things to the dogs… Dogs and swine, these impure and thoroughly despised animals, represent those men who are hardened and altogether incapable of receiving evangelic truth, and to whom the holy is utterly foreign and distasteful”

2:28 PM 8/9/2018 Update: Interpretation: 

Do not throw what is Holy, the principles and the foundations of American Democracy, to the gleeful and envious “dogs and swines” of the World, they might misunderstand the issues and the investigations. “The endeavour to correct the faults of others must be confined within its proper limits…” Do not allow The Holy to be sallied by parading those political misfits and moral degenerates, from Manafort to the “Manhattan Madam”, and the publicity seeking garbage like Emin Agalarov, etc., etc. This will be misunderstood and misconstrued into a cheap soap opera. Address the true root issues and causes and present your overall assessment to the American people as soon as possible, without the further and counterproductive delay. All the secondary legal details and the secondary players can be dealt with during the orderly but routine process. 



From This Moment On (Frank Sinatra – with Lyrics) – YouTube

From This Moment On (Frank Sinatra – with Lyrics)

Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology

11:51 AM 8/9/2018 – Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology and Intelligence Analysis – Links

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Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology and Strategic Intelligence – Google Search


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Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology and Strategic Intelligence – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from Hermeneutic Analysis in Political Criminology and Strategic Intelligence – Google News.

“See The Big Picture, Sir! 

Truth is God, and God is Truth.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Image result for joseph the interpreter of dreams
Joseph the interpreter of dreams – Google Search | 9:54 AM 8/4/2018 – Јoseph King of Dreams 
“5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.” 
Proverbs 1:5-6 King James Version (KJV)

Hermeneutic (Interpretative and Scientific) Study of the Operations “Trump” and “9/11”

By Michael Novakhov


Global Security News



Image result for dusseldorf carnival 2018

1996 – 2020: The Operation “Dusseldorf Carnival”

Dusseldorf – The Goof Village!

That’s how the German Intelligence sees America and the rest of the world: as the target and the playground for their operations.

Open your eyes “shut wide”, America!

Extra! Extra! Special from SkyLeaks! Exclusive!!!

The Part II of the reality show “Operation Trump” is coming in the Fall 2018:

“IMPEACHMENT: The bad German Trump (Kaiser-Hitler archetype) is out, the good German Pence (hard working, modest, Lutheran, clean, shiny pence) is in! And everyone lives happily thereafter: Pence and Merkel would make such a nice geopolitical couple, just look at their photos. Happy ending, delivered to your cable services for free, the courtesy of “OLE ENTERTAINMENT Inc.”, and underwritten by the Special Grant from the Deutsche Bank.

The October (2018 Midterm Elections) SPECIAL!!!

Catharsis! What a Relief-f-f-fff!!! Dusseldorf spells “RELIEFFF”!!!

Image result for Pence and Merkel

Finally: Our Iron Lady will have some nice German-American boy to protect her and us! 

The German Carnival

Angela Merkel Dusseldorf

Merkel The Spider

Düsseldorf carnival: Float shows Donald Trump mounted by Russian bear – Business Insider

Trump parade float Dusseldorf 2018

The Inescapable Stench Of The German Intelligence behind Operations “Trump” and “9/11”. 

The narrative behind the operations is clearly three-fold:

1) the anti-American (which they skillfully translated and transformed into “anti-Trump”),

2) the antisemitic (and anti-Israeli, skillfully covered by Uhrlau’s prisoner exchanges),

3) and the anti-Russian (“They all are thieves and rapists, just like they were to us; they [not we, ha-ha] stole all your cyber records, and they [not we, ha-ha] raped your political system of the free elections”, skillfully covered by the superficial friendliness with the Russians, while using them as puppets and useful idiots, in all respects and aspects; and while harboring the enormous hatred towards them.) 

This is Germany’s three prongs strategy against her former enemies: to set them up against each other, and to stand above them. “Deutschland Uber Alles!” 


The float, which was paraded through the streets on Monday, showed a naked representation of the US president being mounted by a bear wearing a Russian ushanka hat emblazoned with a red star.

On the side of the bear was written Russland-Affäre, which translates to “Russia affair”. Like its English equivalent, Affäre has a sexual connotation.

Image result for dagger stab

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dagger stab – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for dagger stab

THE DEMIURGE AND THE DAGGERSTAB, FOR THE “LABRAT NUTS”BY MICHAEL NOVAKHOV – Summary – 8.7.18 Update: M.N.: Mr. Mueller, who are the real principal authors and actors in the operations “Trump” and “9/11”?

M.N.: Mr. Mueller, who are the real principal authors and actors in the operations “Trump” and “9/11”?

In my as always very humble opinion, Sir, people have very little interest in seeing the “Manhattan madams” and the rest of this parade of the treacherous psychopaths. There is a risk that this investigation is turning into the political soap opera and the reality show for the world’s entertainment, and exactly as the conspirators planned. We have to understand this larger game. As  I described earlier, this situation does create the impression of the “Bishop-Investigator” reading the “Devil-Demiurge’s” script. 

People are tired and stressed out from all this unprecedented nonsense. Put all of them in prison, roast them slowly and properly in your legal prosecutor’s crucible, do whatever you want to do with them, no one cares much about them. But please, Sir, get to the main and to the core questions as formulated above, and the sooner the better. I do think that there are problems with your investigation, and there is a risk of it been mislead and misdirected by the conspirators. Please, look into this.

Michael Novakhov

6:16 AM 8/8/2018

P.S.: What is the difference between the political “conspiracy theory” and the valid investigative hypothesis? A number of criteria, and among them: internal, “construct” consistency and validity, its “internal logic’. Investigative hypothesis is valid in the same way any other cognitive, including the scientific, hypothesis is valid. The various hypotheses compete with each other for the “validation” and acceptance as the legitimate new paradigms, just like the branches of the tree compete with each other for the supplies of nutrients from its roots in their quest for the growth and development. 

This concept was addressed in “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” By Thomas S. Kuhn and in “Conjectures and Refutations” By Karl Popper

All valid investigative hypotheses must be investigated to the fullest. 

The “German Hypothesis” is the valid investigative hypothesis, in my humble opinion. If someone thinks otherwise, please come forward and prove your point. 

As the valid investigative hypothesis, the “German Hypothesis”, as I call it, naming the main and the leading player, should be investigated to the fullest and to the utmost depth. 

Not investigating it would be the investigatory negligence, it seems to me. 

Mr. Mueller, please investigate the “German Hypothesis” of the Operations “Trump” and “9/11” in depth and in details; and if you do not investigate it, please explain to the people, why you do not investigate it. 

I also think that the “Abedin-Weiner emails affair” should be re-investigated, and I urge the Jewish Civil Rights organisations, like the B’nai B’rith to pay attention to these issues. The antisemitic stench of the German Intelligence, as I wrote earlier, seems to be inescapable here, in this “matter”. 



The so called “truth”, especially in the complex matters, is rarely acquired as the result of the orderly, logical, in this instance, the legal process. The true and deep, conceptual understanding, “seeing the true and the big picture”, in which the pieces of the puzzle fit, is largely the intuitive, sudden, satori, revelation like, process; “the eureka”, the dagger stab,  “the lightning-like”, khe-khe, moment. This phenomenon was described by many and various observers and philosophers through centuries. 

Therefore it is unlikely, it seems to me, that we will arrive at the truth by simple accumulation of the indisputable and proven legal facts. We need the interpretations and understanding on the basis of the facts that had already been discovered. The dragging of this investigation is like the prolonging the surgical operation without any particular need for it. 

9:44 AM 8/8/201


Reuters – The float was a number of uncompromising satirical effigies offering a take on international affairs.”

9:47 AM 7/3/2018 – Anthony Weiner vs Erik Prince As The Antisemitic Narrative Of German Intelligence… 

Do you hear this facetious whisper:

“Wehr iz zi antizimitizm hirr, main frrroinhdddzzz???!!! ZZEY BOZZ ARR ZIMAITZZZ!!!

Or in translation: “Where is the Antisemitism here, my friends?! They both are Semities! (Hee-hee-hee…)

9:47 AM 7/3/2018 – Anthony Weiner vs Erik Prince As The Antisemitic Narrative Of German Intelligence…

9:47 AM 7/3/2018 – Anthony Weiner vs Erik Prince As The Antisemitic Narrative Of German Intelligence: American Jewish (“The WINNER!!!” – [in WW2] – A. Weiner) Prince vs. Aryan Prince narrative, story line – Google Search: anthony weiner, erik prince, and german intelligence

See also: 

Trump Investigations from mikenova (32 sites): Conspiracy Against US – Google News: How to Tackle Conspiracy Theories in Politics – Pacific Standard

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tree of knowledge – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for tree of knowledge

Global Security News


The Demiurge

“My Dear Friend Ole!

I love your Intellect but

I think that the American Law Enforcement

Loves it even more.” – M.N. – 4:02 PM 8/8/2018

The “German Hypothesis” of

the Operations “Trump” and “9/11”

“The Great Demiurge Ole The First (former BND Chief Ernst Uhrlau), was apparently The Real Mastermind of the Operations “Trump” and “9/11” (and very likely, many other, the smaller ones, in between). Schroeder as the upcoming and later the acting SDP Leader and Chancellor, approved these and other plans and justified them on the ideological grounds to the SPD’s leadership, its Secret Politburo. These “joint” operations cemented the relations, including the Intelligence Sharing and the Coordination between Germany and Russia, and “strengthened” these relations with Israel. The Secret Anti-American – Anti-Former WW2 Allies Triangle of Germany – Russia – Israel, was formed and “matured” in Obama years. This iz my version of the events. In short, the German Intelligence used the former WW2 enemies, Russia and the Jews, and some Arabs and others, in between, as the deep, double and triple, covers in their operations against the US as the Germany’s main economic and political competitor on the World stage.”

– M.N. – 6:01 PM 8/7/2018


krystian zimerman – Google Search
krystian zimerman – YouTube

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for krystian zimerman

L.V.Beethoven: piano concerto no°1 – Krystian ZIMERMAN;WIENER PHILHARMONIKER – YouTube
mikenova shared this story .

L.V.Beethoven: piano concerto no°1 – Krystian ZIMERMAN;WIENER PHILHARMONIKER

male emerald crowns of german princes – Google Search

Image result for male emerald crowns of german princes

The Great Demiurge Ole The First was apparently The Real Mastermind of the Operations “Trump” and “9/11”. 

Schroeder as the upcoming and later the acting SDP Leader and Chancellor, approved these and other plans and justified them on the ideological grounds to the SPD’s leadership, its Secret Politburo. These “joint” operations cemented the relations, including the Intelligence Sharing and the Coordination between Germany and Russia, and “strengthened” these relations with Israel. The Secret Anti-American – Anti-Former WW2 Allies Triangle of Germany – Russia – Israel, was formed and “matured” in Obama years. This iz my version of the events. In short, the German Intelligence used the former WW2 enemies, Russia and the Jews, and some Arabs and others, in between, as the deep,  double and triple, covers against the US as the Germany’s main economic and political competitor on the World stage. 

– M.N. – 6:01 PM 8/7/2018

Ernst Uhrlau – Demiurge As The Spymaster, The Smooth Operator, and The Propaganda Dramaturge. 

“RUSSLAND-AFFARE”. Made in Germany – 10:33 AM 7/17/2018 – To The Hilt – 
“Deutschland Uber Alles”! 
Smart German boy Ernst Uhrlau might have fooled everyone: Putin, the Oligarchs, and the Great America! (But not me, Baby! Uti-uti-uti…)

1:41 PM 8/7/2018

Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Segundo Enfoque

Ole says: “Hurricane, Be Real!” – Huracán Beryl causó depresiones en Estados Unidos – Segundo EnfoqueJul 7, 2018 – Ernst Uhrlau – Google Search – From My Conversations with The Demiurge. (Thank you for a birthday card, better late than never.) 

Beryl: Be-ryl, be real, (be reel, write a screenplay…) Turn your piece of Beryl – Beryllium into the precious stone. Frame your emeralds into the Royal Crown. Weave your dreams and interpretations… Into The Great Demiurge Myth… 

7:25 AM 7/8/2018 – The Dialogue via the Google Searches: Ernst Uhrlau: “Why can’t we be friends”? | M.N.: Is this possible in principle? – News Review: Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

“Why can’t we be friends?”[Ole asks. He iz!!! The Great Communicator! The Mountain Eagle of the German Intelligence! – M.N.].

6 things to know for July 5– The Times of IsraelJul 5, 2018 – A source told the paper that German negotiator and former intelligence chief, Ernst Uhrlau, was working to negotiate a deal. 4. On Thursday, the …

mikenova shared this story from Ernst Uhrlau – Google News.

5:51 AM 8/1/2018 – M.N.: I think I found out who the Demiurge is. The Demiurge is the SPD, The Social Democratic Party of Germany, or more exactly their close and secret circle of the ideological, political, operational, and intelligence leaders – the Secret Politburo. They try to rule the World. – 

“Who are you then?”
“I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.” 
― Johann Wolfgang von GoetheFaust: First Part 

And/or Vice Versa – M.N. 

Demiurge As The Party Leader: “Fuhrer”, “Vozhd”… 

Image result for schröder, scharping, lafontaine, uhrlau

The Demiurge wants to prove me wrong. He says: “You will eat crow!” 

“I am a flatiron ship steam pipe manager! I let the steam out!” – By Michael Novakhov – Google Search

From My Conversations With The Demiurge: 9:03 AM 7/21/2018 ……/the-steward-of-the-house-demiurge-responds-i-am-just-a-h…

Jul 21, 2018 – I am just a house servant: “housknecht”, a ‘steward of a house’. … I am the flatiron ship steam pipe’s manager: I let the steam out, to avoid the explosion…” M.N.: Very interesting logic, Master. Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks ….. Michael Novakhov on Twitter and News Blogs | NEWSLINKS℠ · Mike Nova’s …

8:05 AM 8/2/2018

P.S.: I think that the wrong people were waterboarded, that is why you did not get the truth out. Arrest and waterboard Gerhard Schroeder, Ernst Uhrlau, and other related suspects of their SDP international comrades, I think, you should get the facts out of them real fast. 

Or was it OK to arrest and torture those miserable Arab know-nothings but it is not OK to interrogate the respectable German burgers even if they are the prime suspects? 

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: 3:17 PM 7/31/2018 – M.N.: You are no Demiurge, baby! И на Демиурга не тянешь! Just a Pretender and His…
3:17 PM 7/31/2018 – M.N.: You are no Demiurge, baby! И на Демиурга не тянешь! Just a Pretender and His Puppet, although the most favorite one. | 12:18 PM 7/31/2018 – Saxon Thunderbolt And The Real Demiurge (Not The Meshuggah – Demiurge) As The Father Of The Sky | – А я сам с усам! – Russian Lessons

Ernst Uhrlau | Vladimir Putin | Gerhard Schroeder

The Meshuggah – Demiurge Or The German Hypothesis Of The Operations “Trump” And “9/11” – By Michael …

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Rachmaninoff – Piano Concerto No. 2 (Zimerman, Ozawa) – YouTube
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Rachmaninoff – Piano Concerto No. 2 (Zimerman, Ozawa)

Image result for michael pacher

To put it frankly and bluntly, as I posted earlier, I am concerned that Mr. Mueller’s Investigation will be misdirected on purpose by the same people who misdirected the 9/11 Investigation, unknowingly to him. Specifically, I do think that it is the group closely connected with SPD. Please, see the details in my blogs, posts, and articles. It might be the situation where, symbolically speaking, the Bishop-Investigator reads from the Devil-Demiurge’s script. 

Another point which I think is important: Since the operations “Trump and 9/11” appear to be closely related, like the two parts of the same script, and since the investigation of 9/11 cannot be considered as satisfactory or resolved, they should not be investigated by the same person. The same mistakes will be made again, and, I think, this is a part of the conspirators’ design. 

8:41 AM 8/6/2018 – More Weight On Both! The Pressing of Donald Trump and The Pressing of Robert Mueller: M.N.: Mr. Mueller should put more weight on Mr. Trump; and We, The People, should put more weight on Mr. Mueller. – 

“More…Weight” Giles Corey – YouTube
mikenova shared this story .

“More…Weight” Giles Corey

And then, can we really blame and torture people as we do now (I mean the situation with Mr. Trump, his son, and the investigation) if they are completely unwitting actors in some historical reality show scripted by some evil mind or minds (whom I call The Demiurge)? That’s the dilemma, isn’t it? 

This Committee should publish the non-classified summaries and updates on the subject, keeping the public accurately and adequately informed. 

Michael Novakhov

7:11 AM 7/26/2018 – Q.: Why is Mueller handing off key cases? A.: M.N.: Because he is out for the Big Fish (and not only or necessarily Mr. Trump) and he concentrates on the main goal.

My only wish is that his investigation would go into as much depth as it is possible, including of course the “German Connections” and “German Hypothesis”.


“See The Big Picture, Sir! 
Truth is God, and God is Truth; and the  Truth shall make you Free!
Image result for joseph the interpreter of dreams
“5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.” 
    M.N.: The Russian and the Israeli, and also the Russian-Jewish Mafia connections and the roles in the Operations “Trump” and “9/11” are quite obvious. The German Connections are hidden deeply, and they are the puppet master who runs the show. This is the traditional masterful use of covers by the German Intelligence. Therefore their role should be investigated with the archaeological brush. The legal proofs might never be found but should be searched for persistently and in extra and the utmost depth. If you do not want to be fooled.
    See also: hermeneutic analysis in archaeology – GS | 4:42 PM 7/28/2018

Hermeneutics – Wikipedia 

Archaeology – Archaeology. In archaeologyhermeneutics means the interpretation and understanding of material through analysis of possible meanings and social uses. Proponents argue that interpretation of artifacts is unavoidably hermeneutic because we cannot know for certain the meaning behind them. | Hermeneutic circle · ‎Double hermeneutic · ‎Exegesis · ‎Biblical hermeneutics

M.N.: The same can be said about the “message aspects” of any crime in general, about the specific “performance crimes”, and especially about the political crimes and the intelligence operations: the “interpretation of artifacts [or what was left on a surface – M.N.] is unavoidably hermeneutic [interpretative – M.N.] because we cannot know for certain the meaning behind them”, and we can only hypothesize and to interpret these “artifacts” until we arrive on the firmer ground of facts and proofs. 
4:11 AM 8/6/2018
In Political Criminology, Media Coverage and the Internet Research are the “text” of the Investigative Hermeneutics, just like the Bible is the text of the religious Hermeneutics, “artefacts” are the “text” of the archaeological Hermeneutics, etc. 

12:58 PM 7/25/2018

M.N.: If the “German Hypothesis” (or more exactly, “The German-Russian-Israeli Hypothesis”, in order of “authorship rank and significance”), of the “Operations Trump and 9/11” (and those in-between, known and unknown) is properly investigated, and proves to be true, at least in part; it will have the most profound implications and impacts on practically “everything”. 


Operations Trump and 9/11

The Demiurge – By Michael Novakhov

Operations “Trump” And “9/11”

hermeneutics definition

Proverbs 1:5-6 King James Version (KJV)
5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. 


Image result for stalin as demiurge

stalin as demiurge – Google Search

Trotsky’s ‘appraisal’ of Stalin is one of the tragic documents in modern literature. …. In his conception

Stalin appears almost as the demiurge, the evil demiurge, …

Related image

stalin as demiurge – Google Search

Image result for stalin as demiurge

2:20 PM 7/24/2018 – Nobody knows anything – Washington Post

Russian President Vladimir Putin and ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Want to be a pundit, Jim Comey? Be careful what you wish for. – The Washington Post Nobody knows anything – Washington Post alfred gusenbauer manafort – Google Search romano prodi hapsburg group – Google Search Trump Draws Attention to Controversial Role of Putin-Friendly Former German Chancellor manafort hapsburg group – Google Search European Ex-Officials Deny Being Paid by Manafort to Lobby for Ukraine konstantin k…

“He’s making us dance and he’s enjoying every minute of it. It makes him feel important.” – Tyler Drumheller of CIA, thinking about Ernst Uhrlau, from the book “Curveball”, by Bob Drogin 

“Many al-Qaeda members lived in the Hamburg apartment at various times. In all, 29 men listed the apartment as their home address while Mohamed Atta’s name was on the lease. Reportedly, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed visited the apartment repeatedly.

German intelligence monitored the apartment, but did not find any evidence against the residents. Both the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency and German Intelligence have received criticism for failing to share information on these and other al-Qaida members.” –

7.28.18 – “These two countries are working together, and they’re working against the United States.” | Germany and Russia’s Secret War Against America – YouTube Video and other articles – 

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Germany and Russia’s Secret War Against America – YouTube
mikenova shared this story .

Germany and Russia’s Secret War Against America

The Real Russia Collusion Scandal and a New Idea for the German Army |

Michael Novakhov@mikenov

German meddling in US politics and Trump foreign policy triggers sharp rebuke from GOP Senators

German interference in the U.S. political system as means of countering President Trump’s foreign policy agenda has sparked sharp criticism from Republican senators. –