Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: An unusual announcement about a US Navy submarine packed with cruise missiles is a loud message that puts Iran on notice.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: According to the New York Times; following the latest Assessment by Israeli Intelligence, it is now believed that both Iran and Hezbollah have lowered the Alert Level of their Missile and Rocket Units, with an Attack against Israel no longer considered Imminent. Currently it is…

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: While Republicans in Congress try to repeal our Inflation Reduction Act, increase prescription drug costs, and erase good-paying jobs – Kamala and I will keep fighting to move our country forward.

Security and Intelligence

@TheStudyofWar: Ukraine’s operation in Kursk Oblast has allowed Ukrainian forces to at least temporarily seize the battlefield initiative in one area of the frontline and contest Russia’s theater-wide initiative.

Security and Intelligence

@TheStudyofWar: RT by @TheStudyofWar: In a new Briefing Room update, ISW Russia Analyst Riley Bailey provides background and analysis on this dynamic and rapidly developing situation in Kursk and what it could mean for the overall operational state of the war

Security and Intelligence

@TheStudyofWar: Ukraine’s operation in Kursk Oblast has allowed Ukrainian forces to at least temporarily seize the battlefield initiative in one area of the frontline and contest Russia’s theater-wide initiative.

Security and Intelligence

Mid-Afternoon Map: Playing 3D Backgammon with Putin – War on the Rocks

Welcome to Mid-Afternoon Map, our exclusive members-only newsletter that provides a cartographic perspective on current events, geopolitics, and history

Security and Intelligence

@mswmediapods: RT @mswmediapods: New @talk_spy podcast #MSWMedia #SpyTalk Host: Michael @Isikoff Listen:

Security and Intelligence

@talk_spy: “As you can see, the lights are blinking red, right?” Colin Clarke, director of research for the Soufan Center, who has written extensively about the threat posed by Ghaffari and ISIS-K, said in an interview with Michael @Isikoff on the SpyTalk podcast.

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: Read #MEMRI analysis by @AlbertoMiguelF5: The Resistible Rise Of Saddam Haftar – Audio of report here