Abwehr 2: The Skripal Saga and Operation Novichok | M.N.: Separate the wheat from the chaff, the GRU from Skripal, and the truth from propaganda; in your analysis.

M.N.: For the purposes of our inquiry, let us note that the new notion was introduced: “The Sub-Demiurge”. The Demiurge has several or many of them, and they might not even suspect about each others’ existences. He rules through them. “He rules it all but rule He does” through Them, the Sub-Demiurges.

Not much different from the style of the corporation executive. It also reminds me some Biblical pronouncements on the similar subject. They are the multitude, and their name is the world Intelligence Services, or some factions of them, official or non-official, which had grown in with the Organized Crime. “Skripal & Co” might be a good example and the “Far West” group is another one. The bouquet is exceedingly diverse in colors, scents, and aromas, on all kinds of spectra. The roots are in the Admiral Canaris’ Abwehr and the German General Staff as The High Fraternity, as the intellectual and professional military Aristocracy. Apparently, the FBI is structurally built on the same model, as it was discussed previously.

To put it in the more general and the psychological perspective, it is the one and the same model: conquering as robbering and raping, domineering to sadistic, homosexual in its core, mentality of the predominantly male groups and institutions, gangs and armies, be them military, intelligence organisations, criminal organisations, or some business groups. When all these types are mixed together, as they usually are in the good old or good modern Intel groups, which is also the Canaris’ business model , it produces the nice cocktail. The females might have really the life-saving influences on human species, in all the possible senses and meanings. 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
“Hanging Johnny” in BILLY BUDD (1962) – YouTube
“Highly Sensualized and Eastheticized Homosexual Hierarchy” – M.N. – But to tell you the truth, I just forgot the right word for it; the Freudian forgetting. Maybe, “The Parovozik”? – 10.18.18

mikenova shared this story .

“Hanging Johnny” in BILLY BUDD (1962)

Лондон ответил отказом на запрос СКР по делу Скрипалей

mikenova shared this story .

“You ‘ll choose another path 
And leave this savage place 
The beast does guard this pass 
And blocks it shut with death 

His nature squalid is, malicious, greedy; 
He never sated gets,  
Just hungrier. 

He mates with many 
And with many more he will 
In all the types of dubious transactions 

Until arrives The Dog 
Who’ll make him die in pain 

Not on the land or bones 
Does Dog this feed, 
But wisdom, love and virtue 
Are his food. 

And Dog will hunt The Beast 
Through every place, through every city and through every mind 
Until he thrusts Him back to Hell 
From which He came and was propelled by envy. 

Then follow me, and I shall guide you then 
From earthly place to the eternal one 
You’ll see there pain, you’ll hear there howls 

It’s second death that they will go through 
The souls which welcome burning fire 
For it will cleanse them and purify the spirit 
devoid of flesh unneeded 

By fire christened and by fire lived 
By fire saved, by fire resurrected, 
By fire died, in old religious merger: 
That’s their hope to join the blessed.  

And then, when you ascend as high as them, 
Another guide will guide you forth instead 
For I’ll depart. 

Because The Highest Ruler from above 
Did ban me from His City 
For I did not obey His Law. 

He rules it all but rule He does from there, 
Eternal city and the capital of His 
Oh, lucky those are whom He allowed in. 

“Oh poet, said I, 
by this God you never knew, 
I pray you: 
Save me from this evil and the evils worse 
And lead me to the place that you just mentioned 
So I behold The Gateway of Saint Peter 
And see those whom you described as pained”. 

And then he walked, I followed his path, 
Direct and straight, as in days of past
And searching for the truth, the trip we started.”


The Skripal Saga or Operation Novichok

M.N.: Separate the wheat from the chaff, the GRU from Skripal, and the truth from propaganda; in your analysis. 

3:13 AM 10/18/2018 – ALL RECENT POSTS ON G+ – 10.18.18


Request for the medical records of the Novichok cases

Release the medical records in their entirety, with or without the patients consents, due to the extraordinary  levels of confusion, mutual accusations, and the overwhelming importance of establishing the true facts in this occurrence. Without the examination of medical records it would be impossible to establish the truth. Even with them, it would be very difficult. If the persons who are in charge of this issue refuse to release these medical records, it would mean that they simply do not want the truth to come out. – M.N. – 10.17.18 

Salisbury Poisoning – Global Security News: Hurricane Michael strengthens to ‘Major’ Hurricane! – 8:53 PM 10/16/2018
Salisbury Poisoning News Updates – FBI News Review: Salisbury Poisoning – THE LATEST NEWS – 6:40 PM 10/16/2018

Reporting on Trump and Putin amid war on truth

“One of the largest mass breaches of personal data of an intelligence service in recent history.” – M.N. – 10.17.18 | Salisbury Poisoning News Review

M.N.: Baloney! Skripal sold them all for hard cold CASH! – 7:44 AM 10/17/2018 | Global Security News

mikenova shared this story from Global Security News.

“Morenets’ Lada Samara is registered to the GRU’s cyber academy in Moscow along with hundreds of other vehicles. By searching other vehicles registered to the same address, Bellingcat investigators have identified 305 other members of the 26165 unit accused of hacking targets all over world.”

M.N.: Baloney! Skripal sold them all for the  hard cold CASH!

“Bellingcat’s research” is based mostly (99%) on the leak(s) but not on the “scientific evidence”

Russian spies’ passports identify more than 300 GRU agents

mikenova shared this story from News | Mail Online.

Putin’s hapless hackers caught red-handed in Holland inadvertently outed more than 300 other agents in their most extraordinary blunder, it was revealed today.

Spy agencies around the world now have a database of hundreds of Russian agents – all because two of the men caught in The Hague had diplomatic passports using their real names and dates of birth.

“Morenets’ Lada Samara is registered to the GRU’s cyber academy in Moscow along with hundreds of other vehicles. By searching other vehicles registered to the same address, Bellingcat investigators have identified 305 other members of the 26165 unit accused of hacking targets all over world.”

M.N.: Baloney! Skripal sold them all for the hard cold CASH!

And Skripal gave them this clue: “vehicles registered to the same address” of “the GRU’s cyber academy in Moscow” as the cover.

Skripal appears to be the Sub-Demiurge who devours his own children: the GRU soldiers. 

“Bellingcat’s research” is based mostly (99%) on the leak(s) but not on the “scientific evidence”


Demiurge is the pre-Christian, pre-Gnostic Deity which absorbed the unconscious collective memories of the pre-Christian customs and rituals of the Child Sacrifice, if you want to get somewhat Jungian in your understanding and interpretations of this phenomenon. Demiurge is beyond the concepts of Good and Evil, it is the pre-dualistic, pre-Manichean Deity. Demiurge is about the raw power and control.


Proverbs 1:5-6 King James Version (KJV)
5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. 

Image result for stalin as demiurge

stalin as demiurge – Google Search

Trotsky’s ‘appraisal’ of Stalin is one of the tragic documents in modern literature. …. In his conception… 


M.N.: Separate the wheat from the chaff, the GRU from Skripal, and the truth from propaganda, in your analysis.


With regard to the present GRU chief, Gen. Igor Korobov, my own subjective impression, formed on the basis of reading on this broader subject of the global intelligence activities, and whatever this subjective impression is worth, is that he is utterly professional, very tough, humane, good and very honest man, a soldier to the core. Just do not turn this impression from its feet on its head, and do not use this against him, that would be very unfair. It is the purely subjective impression, I have not met any of those people, and do not intend to, at this moment. 

In the present climate of confusion and lies, Me thinks humbly, that Gen. Korobov would be the reliable partner, counterpart, negotiator, and even ally, when all the present difficulties are resolved. The higher levels of the military leadership in Russia, Mr. Shoigu and Gen. Gerasimov, also make very good impression, and I think, all of them do deserve a certain modicum of trust. 

I want to  repeat again, that it does not make any sense to ‘fight over nothing”, it does make all the sense to face the common issues and threats and to work on them together as partners, colleagues; the past Allies, and very possible, the future Allies. 

You can call me anything you want, these are my impressions, and I stand by them. Although, I do absolutely have to add that the “wishful thinking phenomenon” is always present, this is the universal human trait, and to keep your eyes open is the high art and the lifetime skill. 

Military people live and function in their own world. They will find the common language. Trust them with that. 

No doubts, presently the GRU is going through the severe crisis. I think humbly, that one of the tasks that they are presently facing is to understand, how people like Skripal make it into their agency, to the highest leadership positions, and what it means for their functioning. Skripal is the old school, Admiral Canaris type of the “Action man”, somewhat outdated. Their tune is off, their “skrip” is on. 



M.N.: I came to believe that Sergei Skripal’s arrest and conviction were staged. – 10.16.18

Abwehr After WW2: News Review: Operation Novichok. | Sergei Skripal: Go get him! The Demiurge delivered him for you. 

See also: the Russian expression “жопа с ручкой“: “There is a lot of gravy there, and I hold that ass by the handle! I have a lot of compromat on him, and I am going to use it.”

News and Times from mikenova


Operation Novichok


Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (8 sites) – Headlines  –

Salisbury poison victim Sergei Skripal was a double agent and vital MI6 asset

Operation Novichok: M.N.: I came to believe that Sergey Skripal’s arrest and conviction were staged. – 10.16.18

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
M.N.: Is it not obvious that Skripal used the same type of comminications in Salisbury, and he staged them too, just changed the sides? – “The FSB caught him passing his intelligence to the infamous MI6 James Bond-style ‘spy rock’ – a fake stone packed with receiving equipment – in a Moscow park.” | I came to believe that there is the great degree of probability that Sergey Skripal’s arrest and conviction were indeed staged, to provide him with an excellent legend for his penetration and influence activities in the West. | FBI News Review
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Salisbury poison victim Sergei Skripal reveals how he survived Russia’s notorious prison camp
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
How Sergei Skripal narrowly avoided execution
skripal arrest – Google Search
skripal arrest – Google Search
skripal arrest – Google Search
skripal arrest – Google Search
Archive footage shows former Russian spy being arrested – Daily Mail – YouTube
Замминистра обороны генерал-полковник Александр Фомин выступил перед участниками XV Международного дискуссионного клуба «Валдай»
Hamburg-based Sept. 11 suicide pilots – Google Search
Hamburg-based Sept. 11 suicide pilots – Google Search
mounir el motassadeq – Google Search
mounir el motassadeq – Google Search
Feed Integration by RSS Dog.


Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
M.N.: Is it not obvious that Skripal used the same type of comminications in Salisbury, and he staged them too, just changed the sides? – “The FSB caught him passing his intelligence to the infamous MI6 James Bond-style ‘spy rock’ – a fake stone packed with receiving equipment – in a Moscow park.” | I came to believe that there is the great degree of probability that Sergey Skripal’s arrest and conviction were indeed staged, to provide him with an excellent legend for his penetration and influence activities in the West. | FBI News Review

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

M.N.: I came to believe that there is the great degree of probability that Sergey Skripal’s arrest and conviction were indeed staged, to provide him with an excellent legend for his penetration and influence activities in the West. All the materials that I saw so far are based on his own recollections and there are no independent eyewitnesses, reliable or not, to confirm this account. 

The personality or rather ‘the Persona” picture that emerges of Sergei Skripal is the one of the classical Russian Jewish “AFERIST“, “THE CROOK“, the Jungian Trickster-Joker Archetype (the same like Trump’s). He is the true spiritual grandson of Admiral Canaris, minus the Grandy’s intellect. 

Skripal plays the double, triple, and quadruple games; and he has the same number of the hidden “bottoms”. He cheats everyone, including himself. I would not trust that man one tiny little bit. 

Daughter Yulia with Sergei having a meal in a restaurant in Britain 

Daughter Yulia with Sergei having a meal in a restaurant in Britain (2016?)

Related image

Skripal’s “Arrest”

M.N.: These “arrestors”, who look very much like the actors, are very careful not to cause him pain, while he looks like he tries to convey the sensations of depression and suffering, but not the real feelings, it seems. The facial muscles are relatively relaxed, and not contracted or tense in emotional, affective grimaces.

The whole scene of his arrest, with the LV bag (“a spy with LV bag”) looks quite suspicious. 

I think all this was staged to provide Skripal with the good “legend” for the deep penetration operation in the “Far West”, which he, Poteyev, and the others in the “Far West” Group were specifically trained for. 

Skripal (pictured right) with his mother (pictured centre) and father (pictured left) in Russia

Skripal (pictured right) with his mother (pictured centre) and father (pictured left) in Russia

Sergei with mother Yelena at a family gathering in 2004, months before he was arrested

Sergei with mother Yelena at a family gathering in 2004, months before he was arrested

M.N.: His father looks more Ukranian (-Jewish), and his mother more Jewish (-Ukranian). 

“On July 4, the phone rang at SVR headquarters. On the line was Leon Panetta, director of the CIA in Washington, wanting to speak to his opposite number, SVR boss Mikhail Fradkov.

 He’d got their people, Panetta informed Fradkov. He proposed an exchange. The Russian agreed. It was game on for a spy swap.

The tricky question for the CIA, though, was if they sent the Russian illegals back, who did they want in return?

Two days after Panetta’s call to Fradkov, a guard went into Skripal’s accommodation block in camp IK5. ‘Get all your stuff ready and be at the headquarters block in ten minutes,’ he ordered.

‘What’s happening?’ Skripal asked. ‘Maybe you’re going to another camp,’ the guard suggested. Skripal moved quickly, packing things away and distributing his food, clothes and goodies to his paratrooper friends — his prison ‘family’, as he called them.”

M.N.: Are there any witnesses who were in the prison or the camp with Skripal? 

“The FSB caught him passing his intelligence to the infamous MI6 James Bond-style ‘spy rock’ – a fake stone packed with receiving equipment – in a Moscow park.

“Russian secret services exposed the rock in 2006, revealing how agents walked past it transmitting their data to the rock via a hidden hand held device.

One official said after his conviction: ‘His activities caused a significant blow to Russia’s external security.’

Russian loathing for Skripal is highlighted by claims from Russian secret services historian Nikolai Luzan that the double was responsible for disclosing to MI6 the names of around 300 GRU staff members and other ‘agents’ including those working abroad.

Some of these military intelligence assets were ‘secretly arrested’ and others ‘vanished’, said Luzan.

Luzan referred to him Skripal in a 2014 interview as ‘this bastard – I’m not scared to use this word’.

‘Just imagine what muck this man did to other people’ – due to his treachery.

There has been no official confirmation of the 300 figure from the GRU.”

M.N.: Is it not obvious that Skripal used the same type of comminications in Salisbury, and he staged them too, just changed the sides? And at the  end of this phase of his operation, he exposed and “sold” his “communicators”: “Boshirov, Petrov, and Fedotov”. 

Michael Novakhov



Image result for germany ukraine relations

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Salisbury poison victim Sergei Skripal reveals how he survived Russia’s notorious prison camp
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
How Sergei Skripal narrowly avoided execution
skripal arrest – Google Search
skripal arrest – Google Search
skripal arrest – Google Search
skripal arrest – Google Search
Archive footage shows former Russian spy being arrested – Daily Mail – YouTube
Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged?

Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged?

Were Skripal arrest and conviction staged? – Google Search
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
The coordinated witch-hunts do not solve the problems, the coordinated communications do. The pervasive, constantly present, the distinguishing, the defining, the hallmark feature of the recent operations is this “ham-handedness”. – M.N. – 6:08 AM 10/6/2018 | Global Security News
mikenova shared this story from Global Security News.

The coordinated witch-hunts do not solve the problems, the coordinated communications do. The pervasive, constantly present, the distinguishing, the defining, the hallmark feature of the recent operations is this “ham-handedness”. – M.N. – 6:08 AM 10/6/2018


Operation Novichok | See also: the Russian expression “жопа с ручкой“: “There is a lot of gravy there, and I hold that ass by the handle! I have a lot of compromat on him, and I am going to use it.”

The “Skripal-Skripun” style

And this “diagnostic ham-handedness” appears to be the “Skripal-Skripun” style of the conceptual thinking and planning of the intelligence operations and their executions, which distinguishes it from the other styles, and therefore may point to a lead.

This style is about the “broad strokes”, “performance”, propaganda, “the triumph of the will”,”devil may care”, “might is right”, etc., etc., out of Canaris’ classroom. But it does lack the original subtlety, deep and sharp intellect, and the sense of irony that The First and Original Demiurge possessed. It has in abundance the almost pathological need for control and the unbendable knack for the artful and omnipresent manipulations. 

For Skripal, the true strategic thinkers are the “buden-ovtsi”, the sheep in their cabins. And he expresses the disdain for his former GRU colleagues, whom he regards as such, with the true panache.  His forte’ is “activka”, the active operation: “do first, think later”. 

It is not just the coincidence to point to K. Bakhtin. It was done, totally or in part, to draw attention to his namesake, Mikhail Bakhtin, and his theories of “philosophy [of intelligence operations as Act – M.N.] of Act (or Action, more descriptively)”; and also to his theories of polyphony (the wild chorus of the masses, in my interpretation), the “dialogue”, and thegrotesque realism“, as the possible underpinnings or the reference points to the  nature of operations in the “Dussel Dorf Karnevile” Cycle’s style and mode. This also intends to point out that the “pointer” is well familiar with all the philosophical complexities of the intelligence work. 

The problem with this and the similarly “ham-handed” styles is the aberration in the “sense of scale”: what works in the local conditions (Ukraine, Russia, Central Europe, etc.) might not necessarily work on a larger scale, e.g. in the global conditions. Different players and the different calibers. 

Skripal is very likely behind the “Bellingcat”, and he handles Steele, not vice versa. 

It is also possible that Skripun  (sorry, it was a Freudian slip), Skripal serves as the banner, leader, coordinator, and the “double engine” (ziz iz a very prophetic term) for the GRU’s “Old Guard” who felt that they have an obligation to, at least, stage some type of the rebellion against such a “blatant restoration of the Capitalism”. They got a partial victory in recovering Crimea but were unable to get the rest. 

It is also possible that Skripal is a part of the “Far West” Group (Poteyev is the link, Gen. Gusev might be the same “Godfather”) and he was trained, just like the others in this group, in the “DEEP  PENETRATION” of the West, getting to the hearts of hearts of the power structures. And the Operation Trump might be one of theirs, and the sequel to Operation 9/11. 

Whoever the intermediary players and the designated Sub-Demiurges are, the playwright is always the same: the “New Abwehr”, it seems to me. 

M.N. – 10.15.18 


“The ham-handed attempted break-in — involving hacking equipment in the trunk of a car and a trail of physical and virtual clues — was the most stunning operation revealed Thursday. It was so obvious, in fact, that it almost looked like the Russians didn’t care about getting caught…

Abwehr After WW2: Operation Novichok. Sergei Skripal: Go get him! The Demiurge delivered him for you.

And do ziz ASAP! Otherwise ziz main actor and the main witness, if not the main screenwriter, might get killed indeed. – M.N. 
His glass is almost full. The deed (the re-capture of Ukraine) is half-done, in the middle of the red marker. 
(And Putin was his cover. The innocent “Mother Theresa” of the Russian politics: he will cover for everyone. “Blame everything on me, I am bad anyway…” )
Fedot da ne tot! “In the wilderness of mirrors”… 
The reflections in this bar of mirrors , on the left side (khe-khe), suggest the clue to the explanation: the Skripals took or got some sleep medication at a dinner in Zizzy, and caught some nice ZZZ-zzz-z, and the rest was pre-designed, pre-arranged, nicely staged, and happily performed. “Masterclass!” – M.N. – 10.14.18 

M.N.: Interpretation: “I did put our boy in a White House as promised. Salut!”

(See the picture on the menu in the front, vaguely reminding the White House appearance, behind the glass of the red wine which is three quarters empty: “and more is yet to come”.)

“There is a lot of gravy there, and I hold that ass by the handle!” “I have a lot of compromat on him, and I am going to use it.”

Vsyo putyom! Do not doubt it, we will win!” 

Note that Skripal is very nicely, artfully, subtly, professionally made up (wears a light make-up) which makes him look like Stalin. That’s what he is all about. The Canaris School.

See also: the Russian expression “жопа с ручкой“:

жопа с ручкой – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for жопа с ручкой

Go get him! The Demiurge delivered him for you. | The “Skripal-Skripun” style – 10:15 AM 10/15/2018 – Russia News


See also: Recent Posts


Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (18 sites)


“Our Zalizberry Zizzy” – waz ziz zi Zkripal’z new nickname in zome zirclez?

Ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia pictured in Salisbury Zizzi restaurant at heart of poison plot

A lot of nice postcards!


Open Letter

To DOJ, for Mr. Mueller

I respectfully recommend to Mr. Mueller to interview, depose, subpoena, or to interrogate Sergei Skripal as the part of his investigation. It looks like he might be one of the main masterminds and the culprits of the Operation Trump. 
I also respectfully advise that Mr. Skripal may be overtly or covertly mentally ill. 
It appears that his motivations were to reunite Ukraine and Russia and to restore the USSR via the re-installation of the Yanukovich regime. His web of connections has to be explored. It appears also that he might be the main author or one of the authors of the “Steele dossier”. It also looks like he signals that he might have more materials of this kind in his posession, which he intends to use to establish the “TLClassics” in the right places. 
It is also quite possible that he was the main organizer and inspiration behind the capture of Crimea and the War in Donbass, whose territory he, apparently, intended to offer to Russia in exchange for assistance in re-installing Yanukivich. For Russians the Donbass was not worth the global outcry and the economic blockade, so they did not make a deal. Yanukovich probably, did not want to sacrifice Donbass for his return either, so this plan came to naught. 

“The amazing “coincidenceOn March 2, 2018, Friday: Yanukovych Calls For Direct Talks Between Kyiv, Separatists.

The same day March 2, 2018, the “Russian team”: “Boshirov, Petrov, Fedotov”  arrive from Moscow just for 2-3 days. On March 3, Skripal’s daughter arrived. 

This, in my humble opinion, was the dead drop servicing team which apparently served these functions previously and in the various places, including Prague in 2014, as reported in the press. Boshirov acted as the main operator, Petrov as his look-out and a physician in the case the dead drop was booby trapped, and “Fedotov” (Fedot da ne tot) apparently functioned as the controller for the duo. 

It is possible that the team brought the message directly from Yanukovych and/or others confirming that the separatist war in Donbass is over

Hypothetically, Skripal got hysterical and staged his own and his daughters’s poisoning, sending the message back: “YOU POISONED ME!” 

I think that the information that could be obtained from Skripal holds the keys to many answers. I think that he has to be very carefully investigated. One of the most intriguing quiestions are his connections with the “New Abwehr”. Please see my blogs for more details. 
I think that to interview Yanukovych, and the related and significant others, is also a very good idea. 
Sincerely, Michael Novakhov

Salisbury Poisoning – LATEST – 9:50 AM 10/13/2018

Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот!

Abwehr After WW2: Operation Novichok: Interview, depose, subpoena, or interrogate Sergei Skripal. Is Skripal the real author of Steele dossier? | Blonds Have More Fun! (Blond is Dumb Blonde Bond.) | Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот!

Abwehr The Demiurge – YT Playlist | Related Videos Review – Page


Abwehr After WW2: Operation Novichok: Sergei Skripal, the real author of Steele dossier? | Blonds Have More Fun! Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот!

Месть Скрипаля или Будёновцы в Активке


Image result for The Postcards from the Skripals

Is Skripal the real author of Steele dossier?

Is Skripal the real author of Steele dossier? – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from Is Skripal the real author of Steele dossier? – Google News.

Story image for Is Skripal the real author of Steele dossier? from The Times

Review: The Skripal Files: The Life and Near Death of a Russian Spy …

The TimesOct 6, 2018
Skripal and his daughter Yulia lay in comas in a Salisbury hospital, … off Skripal because he had contributed to the notorious “sex dossier” on Donald Trump’s past visits to Moscow, compiled by Christopher Steele, a former MI6 officer. … based on his extensive interviews with Skripal, provide an original and …

Story image for Is Skripal the real author of Steele dossier? from The Sydney Morning Herald

Poisoned Russian spy linked to Trump dossier author: reports

The Sydney Morning HeraldMar 8, 2018
Skripal was convicted of treason and imprisoned in 2006 in Russia for passing … Steele compiled a dossiercontaining astonishing allegations …
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
In The Eye of the Storm: “А где Федот (который не тот)?” – M.N. (Very reasonable question.) – Russia is the inseparable part of the Western Civilization | “Yakovenko delivers masterclass…” | “I gave you ZIZ!”- 5:12 AM 10/13/2018 | Russia News

mikenova shared this story from Russia News.

Image result for russian ambassador cartoons
russian ambassador cartoons – Google Search
Russian ambassador Alexander Yakovenko delivers masterclass in deflection over nerve agent attack
mikenova shared this story .

“For an hour-and-a-half the Russian ambassador to the UK took questions from international journalists on his country’s increasingly aggressive behaviour.

It was a 90-minute exercise in denial and a masterclass in deflection.

Alexander Yakovenko admitted relations between London and Moscow were “very low”, but continued to deny any Russian involvement in the Salisbury poisoning or The Hague spying case.

“We don’t see any co-operation, we don’t see any evidence,” he repeated. It is a well-rehearsed line of attack…

On occasions the journalists openly laughed at the claims and regularly interrupted to challenge him. This set-piece event has become a game between both sides.

The ambassador finished the press conference by asking the journalists when they wanted another one – he clearly enjoys the occasion.

But it’s hard to see they’re doing much to further Russia’s argument.”

Перед началом оперативного совещания с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности.

Michael Novakhov imagines: Mr. Lavrov: “Thank you, thank you. I am so glad that everyone liked our heroic performance. Deutschland Uber Alles! Heil Putin! We are no Novichoks in ziz bizniz.”

“А где Федот (который не тот)?” Very reasonable question. 



5 из 7
Перед началом оперативного совещания с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности.
Из альбома к материалу

12 октября 2018 года Московская область, Ново-Огарёво



Dear Mr. Lavrov, do not mock “them”, the Brits. Help them to investigate this accident properly, and everyone will benefit from the truth. Do not assume that you possess this truth, nobody does. We all have just the hypotheses.  

You look, dear sir, like a naturally born diplomat but your rudeness sounds rather unnatural, and it “bends the ear”, “режет слух”. 

It is easy to deny everything right out of hand, it is more productive and wiser to try to understand, and to express your empathy. I think, that what people expect. The words of solidarity. After all, it is them, the Brits, who were on the affected side.

Although the Threat, of the Chemical Weapons, and of the other WMD-s, is addressed to everyone. It is very clear that these types of accidents can happen or can be staged anywhere. 

And Mr. Gromyko is not the best choice for a “role model”, believe me. 

Michael Novakhov


salisbury poisoning – Google News: Salisbury poisoning: Russian minister dismisses evidence as ‘a dead cat, a hamster and a poor homeless woman’ – Mirror.co.uk

Image result for russian ambassador cartoons

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

russian ambassador cartoons – Google Search

“А где Федот (который не тот)?”

Перед началом оперативного совещания с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности.



Sergei Ivanov: “Well, I’m a Dumb Blond(e) too! We live, we learn”. He is a nice, modest man with a soft, self-deprecating sense of humor, that’s how he looks to me. – M.N. 

“А где Федот (который не тот)?” That’s the question. – M.N. (And a very reasonable question.)

5 из 7
Перед началом оперативного совещания с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности.
Из альбома к материалу

12 октября 2018 года Московская область, Ново-Огарёво


Image result for russian ambassador cartoons

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

russian ambassador cartoons – Google Search

russian ambassador cartoons – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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russian ambassador cartoons – Google Search
The amazing “coincidence”! – 7:29 PM 10/10/2018 | Global Security News
mikenova shared this story from Global Security News.

Image result for Skripal - Yanukovych - (possibly Putin) - Oligarchs - Manafort - Trump

The amazing “coincidence:

On March 2, 2018, Friday: Yanukovych Calls For Direct Talks Between Kyiv, Separatists.

The same day March 2, 2018, the “Russian team”: “Boshirov, Petrov, Fedotov”  arrive from Moscow just for 2-3 days. On March 3, Skripal’s daughter arrived. 

It is possible that the team brought the message directly from Yanukovych and/or others confirming that the separatist war in Donbass is over

Hypothetically, Skripal got hysterical and staged his own and his daughters’s poisoning, sending the message back: “YOU POISONED ME!” 

It is very possible that he had secret plans to reunite Russia and Ukraine and to revive the USSR. After his arrest he claimed that he was not bound by any oath because he gave it to the Soviet union, not Russia. 

He probably poisoned himself, and he himself is THE POISON. 

Michael Novakhov



Sergei Skripal – Google News: The Prospect Podcast #54: Who was Sergei Skripal? A conversation with Mark Urban – Prospect


Abwehr “The Demiurge”

Operations “Trump Card”, “Call 9/11”, and “MuckCart-hy” – By Michael Novakhov

Operation Novichok

New Abwehr – Skripal – Yanukovych – (possibly Putin) – Oligarchs – Manafort – Trump – Google Search

Page on this site | Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (8 sites) – Headlines

Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (18 sites)
Sergei Skripal – Google News: The Prospect Podcast #54: Who was Sergei Skripal? A conversation with Mark Urban – Prospect
salisbury novichok – Google News: Third suspect in Salisbury Novichok attack named by Russian news website – Evening Standard
“Будёновцы”: «Ещё бы буденовки надели»!!! – 10.9.18 – They should have put on their “budenovka” hats…

“Будёновцы”: «Ещё бы буденовки надели»!!! – 10.9.18 – They should have put on their “budenovka” hats, too!!! – В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах — Блоги — Эхо Москвы, 09.10.2018

Related image

Blonds Have More Fun!

“Будёновцы”: «Ещё бы буденовки надели»!!! – 10.9.18 – They should have put on their “budenovka” hats, too!!! – В ГРУ нашли виновного в провалах — Блоги — Эхо Москвы, 09.10.2018 | Russia News

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
putin dumb blonde – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

putin dumb blonde – Google Search

Blonds Have More Fun!

“Off The Rails?”

Of course not. The problems have to be formulated, analyzed, understood, comprehended, and addressed. 

But first of all and most of all, this is the overarching strategic condition: 
Restore the  Great WW2 Alliance. This might be the most suitable and viable design for the modern security architecture. 
The Alliance had its own difficulties at that time, it should work better now, and there are very powerful forces which do not want it to be restored and functioning. And lately, Skripal and his shenanigans might have been the very significant part of these forces. 
Driving the multiple wedges between the Allies was the logical Abwehr’s strategy which they pursued with the fanatical and dogged persistence, and this simple but effective strategy continues to be the same to this day. 
Consider the revision of the military doctrine in which “the West” is painted as the main “enemy”, reject this doctrine in both the spirit and the letter. Russia is the inseparable part of the Western Civilization, History, and Culture.
The most recent (last 20-25 years) phenomenon of the open, cynical, self-destructive, Mafioso Oligarchic Robbery of Russia is an Abomination. Address these issues, work together on eradicating the Global Organized Crime which came to play a certain role in the modern Intelligence Operations. These “by necessity” ties corrupt the Intelligence Organisations visibly and invisibly, it seems to me. Ziz iz not the Leftist position, this is the common sense position. 
The important, screaming “gaps in strategic intelligence” have been acknowledged and they are been addressed in order of importance. 
Michael Novakhov 

Operation Novichok – The Postcards from Salisbury, Amesbury, and Russia – “Off The Rails?”

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review
Salisbury Poisoning Updates | The Crisis of the Russian (Military) Intelligence | CIA is working to prioritizing closing the “strategic intelligence gaps” … – 3:36 AM 10/12/2018 | Russia News
Fri, 12 Oct 2018 10:37:51 -0400

mikenova shared this story from Russia News.

На совещании с членами Правительства. Слева направо: Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства – Министр финансов Антон Силуанов, заместитель Председателя Правительства – руководитель Аппарата Правительства Константин Чуйченко, заместители Председателя Правительства Юрий Борисов, Ольга Голодец и Дмитрий Козак, заместитель Председателя Правительства – полномочный представитель Президента в Дальневосточном федеральном округе Юрий Трутнев.

4 из 5
На совещании с членами Правительства. Слева направо: Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства – Министр финансов Антон Силуанов, заместитель Председателя Правительства – руководитель Аппарата Правительства Константин Чуйченко, заместители Председателя Правительства Юрий Борисов, Ольга Голодец и Дмитрий Козак, заместитель Председателя Правительства – полномочный представитель Президента в Дальневосточном федеральном округе Юрий Трутнев.
Из альбома к материалу

11 октября 2018 года Москва, Кремль


Mr. Putin,

are all ziz dumb blonds bonds


Image result for dumb Bond

The Sacramental Question: Mr. Putin, are all those Dumb Blondes …


6 days ago – Iz ziz what the Demiurge and hiz New Abwehr want? … MrPutin, are those Dumb Blonds, I mean Dumb Bondsyours or some other guy’s? 

Image result for putin dumb blonde

He zayz: “Yezi-yezi, zey all are mine. Zey all are my Zerfz-e, (highly paid, poorly paid, and not paid at all). I own zem all. And zey all own me, lock, ztock, and many many barrel-z-z-z. 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for putin dumb blonde

putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for putin dumb blonde

putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for putin dumb blonde

putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Related image

putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for putin dumb blonde

putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for putin dumb blonde

putin dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for putin dumb blonde

trump dumb blonde – Google Search
mikenova shared this story .

Image result for trump dumb blonde

trump dumb blonde – Google Search

Dumb Blondes and Dumb Bonds rule the World! 

What a horror! No life no more for a white man! 

View image on Twitter

Blonds Have More Fun!!!

(Und ziz iz unfaiiirrr…)

President Trump’s ‘jokes’ are no laughing matter – The Washington Post


Mar 7, 2018 – On Saturday, for example, Trump praised China’s President Xi Jinping for rescinding term …

Dumb blonde” jokes are still okay — just barely.

M.N.: How “Un-Dumb”! Good Pointe!


“Off The Rails?”

Of course not. The problems have to be formulated, analyzed, understood, comprehended, and addressed. 

But first of all and most of all, this is the overarching strategic condition: 
Restore the  Great WW2 Alliance. This might be the most suitable and viable design for the modern security architecture. 
The Alliance had its own difficulties at that time, it should work better now, and there are very powerful forces which do not want it to be restored and functioning. And lately, Skripal and his shenanigans might have been the very significant part of these forces. 
Driving the multiple wedges between the Allies was the logical Abwehr’s strategy which they pursued with the fanatical and dogged persistence, and this simple but effective strategy continues to be the same to this day. 
Consider the revision of the military doctrine in which “the West” is painted as the main “enemy”, reject this doctrine in both the spirit and the letter. Russia is the inseparable part of the Western Civilization, History, and Culture.
The most recent (last 20-25 years) phenomenon of the open, cynical, self-destructive, Mafioso Oligarchic Robbery of Russia is an Abomination. Address these issues, work together on eradicating the Global Organized Crime which came to play a certain role in the modern Intelligence Operations. These “by necessity” ties corrupt the Intelligence Organisations visibly and invisibly, it seems to me. Ziz iz not the Leftist position, this is the common sense position. 
The important, screaming “gaps in strategic intelligence” have been acknowledged and they are been addressed in order of importance. 
Michael Novakhov 
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
gaps in strategic intelligence – Google Search
mikenova shared this story from gaps in strategic intelligence – Google News.

Story image for gaps in strategic intelligence from The Hill

Haspel delivers first public remarks as Trump’s CIA chief

The HillSep 24, 2018

In a speech at the University of Louisville, her alma mater, Haspel said the CIA is working to prioritizing closing the “strategic intelligence gaps” …

UK Security Services Braces For Terrorist Chemical and Biological Weapon Attacks
mikenova shared this story from Breitbart News.

Ben Wallace, the Minister of State for Security, made the remarks on the potential threat from terrorist groups during a national security summit, when he discussed the potential threat of terrorist groups using deadly toxins to kill.



Add note

Anytime a clandestine agency is in the global headlines on a daily basis, something strange is going on. That has certainly been the case with Russia’s military intelligence agency, known by its former abbreviation, the GRU.

British intelligence identified two suspected GRU agents as the culprits in the March nerve-agent poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, setting off a chain reaction of revelations about one of the men, identified as GRU Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, and his likely involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the 2015 assassination in Ankara of Chechen rebel commander Abdulvakhid Edelgiriyev.

On October 4, authorities in the Netherlands released a trove of information on an alleged GRU operation in that country aimed at hacking and disrupting international organizations including the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the Dutch investigation into the 2014 downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet over the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine.

The most emblematically risible piece of evidence was a taxi receipt showing that one of the men had traveled to a Moscow airport directly from GRU headquarters.

In addition, suspected Russian agents have been busted in Norway, Estonia, Greece, and Montenegro in recent months.

Off The Rails?

Writing in The Guardian on October 5, Moscow correspondent Andrew Roth called the developments “embarrassing.”

“The exposure of several consecutive European operations should raise questions about whether Russian military intelligence is being intentionally provocative or has simply gone off the rails,” Roth wrote.

The Skripal Saga

Месть Скрипаля или Будёновцы в Активке

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The Postcard from Moscow: “Buden(-)ovtsi”!

The Armchair Analytics: Postcards from Skripal – The Sub-Demiurge – 12:10 AM 10/12/2018 
Here is one of the hypothetical Masterminds of the Annexation of Crimea and the separatist War in the Eastern Ukraine, and probably many other interesting projects. 
Image result for The Postcards from the Skripals

“Ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia pictured in Salisbury Zizzi restaurant”…  Note the line “TLClassics” on the “menu” above the “picture of the White House”. See the rest of the interpretation in the post

Image result for The Postcards from the Skripals

The Map of the “New Ukraine” (in white), without the Crimea. It was already annexed by the time this photo was taken, probably in 2016; and without Donbass, where the separatist war was at its height at that time. Kyiv is the black dot in the center of the white cut-off Ukrainian near-triangle. The black dots on the left (heart) sides are probably the symbols of the future shoulder chips to be obtained in “liberated” Kyiv, in the case of Daddy, the epaulets. The future “Marshal Skripal”, a.k.a. The Sub-Demiurge. I do think that Mr. Skripal may be mentally disturbed or ill, possibly delusional, in addition to being very manipulative person. 

– M.N. – 10.12.18

See the Interpretations of other postcards in the posts. – M.N.

Page on this site | Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (8 sites) – Headlines  –


“The GRU was described in the meeting, MBK said, as “deeply incompetent,” “infinitely careless,” “morons,” and people that “would still wear the budenovka” — a phrase that means being outdated. The budenovka was a military hat worn in the late 1910s and early 1920s, shortly after the Russian tsar was deposed.”

Месть Скрипаля или Будёновцы в Активке 


Image result for The Postcards from the Skripals

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот! – Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review – UPDATE – 4:52 AM 10/11/2018 | FBI News Review

mikenova shared this story from FBI News Review.

Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот! – Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review – UPDATE – 4:52 AM 10/11/2018 | FBI News Review
Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот! – Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review – UPDATE – 4:52 AM 10/11/2018 | FBI News Review

The Postcard from the Skripals: “My glass is half-full, and mine is three quarters full, note that red marker… Und Me takez zi pictzcha… A lot of chiiize but zi mouthz are shut wide.”


Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (18 sites)

The amazing “coincidence”! – 7:29 PM 10/10/2018 | Global Security News

mikenova shared this story from Global Security News.

Image result for Skripal - Yanukovych - (possibly Putin) - Oligarchs - Manafort - Trump

The amazing “coincidence:

On March 2, 2018, Friday: Yanukovych Calls For Direct Talks Between Kyiv, Separatists.

The same day March 2, 2018, the “Russian team”: “Boshirov, Petrov, Fedotov”  arrive from Moscow just for 2-3 days. On March 3, Skripal’s daughter arrived. 

It is possible that the team brought the message directly from Yanukovych and/or others confirming that the separatist war in Donbass is over

Hypothetically, Skripal got hysterical and staged his own and his daughters’s poisoning, sending the message back: “YOU POISONED ME!” 

It is very possible that he had secret plans to reunite Russia and Ukraine and to revive the USSR. After his arrest he claimed that he was not bound by any oath because he gave it to the Soviet union, not Russia. 

He probably poisoned himself, and he himself is THE POISON. 

Michael Novakhov



Sergei Skripal – Google News: The Prospect Podcast #54: Who was Sergei Skripal? A conversation with Mark Urban – Prospect


New Abwehr – Skripal – Yanukovych – (possibly Putin) – Oligarchs – Manafort – Trump – Google Search

Page on this site | Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (8 sites) – Headlines

Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (18 sites)
Sergei Skripal – Google News: The Prospect Podcast #54: Who was Sergei Skripal? A conversation with Mark Urban – Prospect
salisbury novichok – Google News: Third suspect in Salisbury Novichok attack named by Russian news website – Evening Standard
Global Security News: The amazing “coincidence” on March 2 2018, Friday, “Yanukovych Calls For Direct Talks Between Kyiv and Separatists”, at a press conference. The same day March 2 2018 the “Russian team”: “Boshirov, Petrov, Fedotov”  arrive from Moscow just for 2-3 days. On March 3, Skripal’s daughter arrived. – 7:29 PM 10/10/2018
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Russian website names third man involved in Salisbury poisoning – Cyprus Mail
Skripal – Russia News: M.N.: This intimate knowledge of the Russian Passport system and the names of the operatives could come from Skripal himself and/or his associates and connections. | Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот! Name of third Russian agent ‘sent by GRU to target Sergei Skripal’: Fedotov’s passport number differs by only a few digits. – 3:44 PM 10/10/2018 | The(-)odor “Odor Test”


Abwehr Zi Demiurge – Zi Cycle “Dussel Dorf Karnival”

Those who have nothing to lose, have nothing else to do but to laugh, and very often through howls and tears. – M.N. (One of my deep thoughts… z-z-z.)

Operations: “Trump Card”, “Call 9/11”, “MuckCart-hy”, and many others in between – By Michael Novakhov

Updates: 10.7.18 – 10.9.18

Operation Novichok – 2018

С учредителем сельскохозяйственного предприятия «Рассвет» Маратом Галеевым.

10.9.18 – The Postcard from Stavropol: The beautiful days of the early autumn in the south of Russia. 

“We know, some of our apples are still green but we have good gardeners and they will plant good new trees.”

StavropolThe City of the Cross: The Common Civilization

В станице Георгиевской Владимир Путин и Председатель Правительства Дмитрий Медведев посетили сельскохозяйственное предприятие «Рассвет», ознакомились с процессом сбора урожая, встретились с работниками компании.

Позже в Минеральных Водах глава государства провёл совещание о мерах по реализации потенциала АПК. Завершая поездку, В.Путин и Д.Медведев кратко пообщались с местными жителями.

From Wikipedia: The name Stavropol (RussianСта́врополь) is a Russian rendition of the Greek name, Stauropolis (GreekΣταυρούπολις, was the name of an historically-unrelated archbishopric in Caria, a Roman province in present Anatolia), meaning “the City of the Cross”. According to legend, soldiers found a stone cross there while building the fortress in the city’s future location.[14]

С работниками сельскохозяйственного предприятия «Рассвет».

“We talked with our good cooks. Now they will cook even better. By the World Recipes Book.”


“Let the jury consider the verdict” the King said. “No, No” said the Queen: “sentence first, verdict afterwards”. “Stuff and nonsense” said Alice. 

The Postcards from Salisbury, Amesbury, and Moscow

Image result for ‘A tradition:’ Autumn Jubilee shines in 39th year‘A tradition:’ Autumn Jubilee shines in 39th year – Salisbury Post 

M.N. The “real” postcard from today’s Salisbury: The Lush Auburn of cute pumpkins (the “real” ones). A lot of cute little pumpkins. 


RECENT POSTS – Russia News – russia-news.org

Operation Novichok – The Postcard from Salisbury

The Perfect Colors Coordination, the Birds of the same F-f-feather, the Coloring of Troops… 

Image result for germany ukraine relations

Image result for boshirov and petrov

Image result for germany ukraine relations

The “Novichok” Postcard from Salisbury: 

Note the three steady amber lights: this is the highest  degree of the child kidnapping alert. The “Bosh” and his “Pet”, behind the “rov” – moat, marked by the flag with their mixed colors, in the neo-auburn field of the old cemetery, called the Central Europe.

See also: germany ukraine relations – Google Search


The Coloring Of Troops: they stand on the common neo-auburn ground. 

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks – Novichok Signatures

Image result for curly girl as symbol of abwehr

M.N.: Another “Postcard”, this one is from the “Amesbury Novichok“. 

And it is very likely that it is from the same “sender”, Mr. Skripal, and it was sent from the “New Abwehr’s Post Office”, and with their stamp on it, in my humble opinion. – M.N. – 10.18.18

Image result for skripal

Image result for germany ukraine relations

Note the same rich golden auburn color… 

Note the same rich golden auburn color, Nina. It was the “Congrats with your “Premier Jour” or something like that. Or was it? Or: “This is just “the first time, “the Day 1″, for a start; many others will follow later”?

“To smell good, don’t smell like a fake perfume, smell my poison…”?

“Und ziz are still the flowerz” – see upper right corner. Which means, “you should expect some nice frutties-tutties, like the “Blackberries”, etc., later on; and possibly from our deeply hidden and abundant Chemical Weapons Canisters…”

Und how iz ziz for an interpretation? Ouu?

Me zinkz humbly, that everyzing is zemantically zignificant in ziz “poztcard” but perhaps it is not for me to investigate and to interpret it further at this point. I hope that Nina will; artfully, as she always does. 

фантик – Google Search 



They kidnapped the Junior! – Малого украли! Call 9/11!

In this picture, “Maloy – The Junior”-“Petrov”-New Ukranian Intelligence Services is on the right side from the viewer, dressed in the flag color matched blue, and “Bosh”-“Chepiga” – “New Abwehr” on the left, in the similarly matched black colored clothes. – M.N. – 10.18.18

Three Lights Amber Alert: Operation “Novichok”!

By Michael Novakhov – 1o.5.18

“Ukraine and her Intelligence Services (“Малой, The Junior, Der Jünger”) are finally kidnapped by the New Abwehr”, says the Demiurge. 

Spread the Knowledge!

Перед началом встречи с группой воспитанников российского образовательного центра «Сириус» и одарённых детей из Индии.

Mr. (Emperor) Pu: “Не Малого, а Малую украли! Вроде той вот что позади меня (Nice Abwehr Girl!). И это давно уже не новость, так что звонить и не кому. А я бы им и вабще бы не позвонил, такой Бардак!
И Барак – Бардак, и Бардак – Барак! Одним словом, полный красный бурак!
Что я сказал: “Бурак” или “Дурак”, а то я уже сам не помню… 
Вы там всё правильно записывайте, чтобы не было ошибок в истории. В нашей истории болезни, так сказать. Или в болезне нашей истории. Я уже совсем запутался, но только вы это не записывайте. В истории тоже должны остаться свои белые пятна, хоть для какой-то чистоты.
И Бардак, и Бурак, и Дурак, и всё остальное. И не Бурак даже, а тотальная Русская Редиска: и не отгрызёшь, и не разгрызёшь… Тако, Ма…” 
Photo: 2 of 11 – Before starting a meeting with a group of students of the Russian educational center “Sirius” and gifted children from India. (But, oddly enough, there was no Junior among them, he did not quite make it…)
Mr. (Emperor) Pu: “Not the Mr. Junior, but Ms. Junior was stolen! Just like the one that’s behind me (Nice Abwehr Girl!). And this is no longer the news, so there is no one to call to. And I would not have called them anyway, they are such a mess!
And Barak – Bardak, and Bardak – Barak! In short, the Total Red Beetroot!
What did I say, “Burak” or “Durak”, I don’t remember myself …
You write everything there correctly, so that there are no errors in the history. In the history of our case, so to speak; our case history… The History Of Our Disease… Or the Disease of our History. I’m already completely confused, but you just do not write it down. In the history, too, there must remain the white spots, to make it look at least somewhat clean… I love Potemkin. The battleship, I mean. 
And the Durak, and the Burak, and the Bardak, and everything else. And not just Burak but the Total Ripe Russian Radish; you won’t bite on it, or gnaw on it, or chew on it… Taco, Ma … That’s what it is, Ma…” 
As recorded by Mike Nova on 10.5.18 


My respectful recommendation to Gen. Gerasimov and Gen. Korobov is to try to reach out to their colleagues and to discuss these issues frankly and openly, in their broad range and in all the possible depth. The similar respectful recommendation to their colleagues, Gen. Dunford and Gen. Ashley, is to have these discussions and to try to make them productive. GRU is often compared with CIA, although nominally its counterpart is DIA. These interventions have to be approved on the highest levels, of course. 

This “ham-handedness”, the deliberate, demonstrative sloppiness, as if it were the invitation to be discovered, is the pervasive, constantly present, the distinguishing, the defining, the hallmark feature of ALL recent operations, including, very much so, the Operation Trump. This feature has to be addressed and investigated thoroughly, it might contain one of the main clues. It might indicate the possible set-up or the number of other explanations, which have to be explored. 


Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

The coordinated witch-hunts do not solve the problems, the coordinated communications do. The pervasive, constantly present, the distinguishing, the defining, the hallmark feature of the recent operations is this “ham-handedness”. – M.N. – 6:08 AM 10/6/2018 | Global Security News

Семен Слепаков рассказал кто и почему удалил его скандальный клип о геях из ГРУ – О Солсберецком шпиле – отравление Скрипаля – новости шоу-бизнеса
Госпогранслужба подтвердила возможное участие Чепиги в событиях на Майдане
The Nazi Downstairs: A Jewish Woman’s Tale of Hiding in Her Home

West Accuses Russian Spy Agency of Scores of Attacks

The Kavanaugh hearing seems designed to fail.
Germany demands that Russia halt campaign of cyberattacks
germany spies – Google Search
чем кумушек считать трудиться – Google Search
Germany warns Russia over cyberattacks | News | DW
Iz ziz what the Demiurge and hiz New Abwehr want? Iz ziz what ziz Hullabaloo iz about? | “Russian spies are outed, but will heads roll in Moscow?” – from KPAX.com. – 6:57 PM 10/5/2018 | Russia News
Russian spies are outed, but will heads roll in Moscow?
Hospitalized Russian Spy Linked to Russia-UK Spy Wars
Probable Western Responsibility for Skripal Poisoning
total, ripe Russian Radish – Google Search
“Novichok” Postcard и “тотальная Русская Редиска: и не отгрызёшь, и не разгрызёшь… Тако, Ма…” | Russia News
Ex-MI5 Officer Sheds Light on ‘Narrative’ Behind Book on Skripal
“Novichok” Postcard – 2:00 PM 10/5/2018 | Global Security News
Three Lights Amber Alert: Operation “Novichok”! “Ukraine and her Intelligence Services (“Малой, The Junior, Der Jünger”) are finally kidnapped by the New Abwehr”, says the Demiurge. Малого украли! Call 9/11! | Russia News
Investigate what is and not what pleases! – 7:42 AM 10/5/2018 | Russia News
investigate what is and not what pleases – Google Search
The New Abwehr’s Set-up! | FBI News Review
The five key steps to catching the hapless, beer-guzzling GRU spies who now face global humiliation
The Salisbury Connections – 10.4.18 | Global Security News
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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
The coordinated witch-hunts do not solve the problems, the coordinated communications do. The pervasive, constantly present, the distinguishing, the defining, the hallmark feature of the recent operations is this “ham-handedness”. – M.N. – 6:08 AM 10/6/2018 | Global Security News
mikenova shared this story from Global Security News.

The coordinated witch-hunts do not solve the problems, the coordinated communications do. The pervasive, constantly present, the distinguishing, the defining, the hallmark feature of the recent operations is this “ham-handedness”. – M.N. – 6:08 AM 10/6/2018

“The ham-handed attempted break-in — involving hacking equipment in the trunk of a car and a trail of physical and virtual clues — was the most stunning operation revealed Thursday. It was so obvious, in fact, that it almost looked like the Russians didn’t care about getting caught…


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Аваков заявил о причастности «отравителя Скрипаля» к бегству Януковича :: Политика :: РБК
mikenova shared this story .

Глава украинского МВД Арсен Аваков передал своему британскому коллеге информацию о причастности полковника российской разведки Анатолия Чепиги к событиям 2014 года на Украине. Эту версию накануне озвучил журналист Сергей Канев

Арсен Аваков (Фото: Сергий Харченко / Zuma / ТАСС)

Глава МВД Украины Арсен Аваков на встрече с британским коллегой Беном Уоллесом подтвердил, что Киев считает одного из подозреваемых в участии в отравлении Сергея Скрипаля причастным к бегству Януковича из страны в 2014 году. Об этом говорится в пресс-релизе МВД Украины по итогам переговоров двух стран.

Abwehr The Demiurge – YT Playlist | Related Videos Review – Page 

Abwehr “The Demiurge”

Operations “Trump Card”, “Call 9/11”, and “MuckCart-hy” – By Michael Novakhov

Image result for New Abwehr "The Demiurge"

Saved Stories – Posts on G+: Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: Angela Merkel admits mistakes in row over spy chief | News | DW
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks: Angela Merkel admits mistakes in row over spy chief | News | DW
boshirov and petrov – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for boshirov and petrov

germany ukraine relations – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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germany ukraine relations – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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germany ukraine relations – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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Are Germany and Russia friends?



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Canaris’ Tombstone Flossenburg – Google Search | Canaris as Woland

If you have a player-opponent in the persona of Admiral Canaris and/or his brainchild, the New Abwehr, it changes the whole game, my friends; and we better start understanding this game, its rules, and its implications.

mikenova shared this story .

Image result for abwehr canaris

Wilhelm Canaris

The first and original “Demiurge”, the founder of the modern Intelligence, one of the prototypes of “James Bond”. 

4:27 PM 9/4/2018 – M.N.: “The Demiurge” is the current head of the current “Abwehr”, under the whatever multiple fronts and covers it currently exists – 

The Operation “Dusseldorf Carnival”, 1996 – 2020

Operations Trump and 9/11

The Demiurge – By Michael Novakhov


Page on this site | Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (8 sites) – Headlines

Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (18 sites)
Global Security News: The Postcards from Skripal: Ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia pictured in Salisbury Zizzi restaurant… – 12:10 AM 10/12/2018
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Salisbury Poisoning – Russia News: “Касаясь солсберийской истории…” – 12:01 PM 10/11/2018
Sergei Skripal – Google News: Novichok attack: Third man was involved in attempted Skripal assassination, website claims – Express.co.uk
Skripal – Russia News: GRU prepares for Hurricane Michael | No Comments. – 8:48 AM 10/11/2018 | Bike with Mike!
Salisbury Poisoning – Russia News: GRU prepares for Hurricane Michael | No Comments. – 8:48 AM 10/11/2018 | Bike with Mike!
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Salisbury Poisoning – Russia News: M.N.: Interpretation: “I did put our boy in a White House as promised. Salut!” – The Postcards from the Skripals – 6:41 AM 10/11/2018
Sergey Skripal – FBI News Review: Russian Lessons: Федот, да не тот! – Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review – UPDATE – 4:52 AM 10/11/2018
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Sergey Skripal – FBI News Review: Сотрудники ГРУ Чепига и Мишкин участвовали в захвате госучреждений на востоке Украины – Recent Tweets Review – 4:15 AM 10/11/2018
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Russian Website Names Third GRU Officer Involved in Salisbury … – The Moscow Times
Sergei Skripal – Google News: The Prospect Podcast #54: Who was Sergei Skripal? A conversation with Mark Urban – Prospect
salisbury novichok – Google News: Third suspect in Salisbury Novichok attack named by Russian news … – Evening Standard
salisbury poisoning – Google News: Third suspect in Salisbury Novichok attack named by Russian news website – Evening Standard
Global Security News: The amazing “coincidence” on March 2 2018, Friday, “Yanukovych Calls For Direct Talks Between Kyiv and Separatists”, at a press conference. The same day March 2 2018 the “Russian team”: “Boshirov, Petrov, Fedotov”  arrive from Moscow just for 2-3 days. On March 3, Skripal’s daughter arrived. – 7:29 PM 10/10/2018
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