Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: I KNEW NOTHING! I am a victim.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Here’s @Timcast trying to delete all his incriminating conversations with Russians after the feds took a copy of everything.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: You sound worried. And so you should be with the feds all the way up your sorry smug ass.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: This nutjob is a younger version of Alex Jones.

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: Ending this gun violence epidemic is personal to me. It’s why I signed the most meaningful gun safety bill in decades, announced dozens of actions, and established the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. We’ve made progress, but this crisis requires even more.

Operation "Doppelganger"

US accuses Russia of interfering with presidential election –

US accuses Russia of interfering with presidential election

Operation "Doppelganger"

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot? – TPM

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot?  TPM

Operation "Doppelganger"

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot? – TPM

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot?  TPM

Operation "Doppelganger"

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot? – TPM

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot?  TPM

Operation "Doppelganger"

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot? – TPM

Is This Right-Wing Media Platform the Product of a $10 Million Russian Plot?  TPM