Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: My strongest impression from visiting Kyiv is Ukrainians bitterness over the US (Biden & @JakeSullivan46) not allowing them to hit Russian bases, from which they are being attacked, with US arms. The UN Charter Art 51 allows such self-defense, but #Biden does not. Incredible!

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: Palestinian Interior Minister Ziad Hab Al-Reeh: We Do Not Want the Destruction of Gaza to Be Repeated in the West Bank; We Will Use All Power at Our Disposal to Remove Any Pretext that Could Lead to This

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Of course, Ukraine gets about $100 bn a year from the West, of which $50bn goes to arms. Ukraine adds as much to $100bn a year on its military. Russia spends about $160bn a year on its military. The West should double its military assistance, but preferably outspend Russia.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Putin ordered the country’s military to increase its troops by 180,000 to a total of 1.5 million. Putin’s decree sets the overall number of Russian military personnel at nearly 2.4 million and orders the government to provide the necessary funding.

Security and Intelligence


Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: OTD September 17, 1964 Goldfinger premiered at the Odeon Leicester Square. Took the police awhile to get the crowds under control. Was Fleming inspired to kill Jill Masterson by painting her in gold by the scene in Bedlam (1946) in which a young man is killed the same way?

OTD September 17, 1964 Goldfinger premiered at the Odeon Leicester Square. Took the police awhile to get the crowds under control. Was Fleming inspired to kill Jill Masterson by painting her in gold by the scene in Bedlam (1946) in which a young man is killed the same way?

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: #OTD 17 Sept 17, 1967: Dr. David Kahn’s book, “The Codebreakers” was published. A classic!

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: The IDF failed to destroy Hamas. It certainly can’t defeat Hezbollah | Opinion | Maj. Gen. (res.) Itzhak Brik

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: #OTD Sept 17,1945,Trial of Nazi propagandist #William_Joyceaka #Lord_Haw_Hawbegins.Spoiler Alert: Does not go well for him

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: #OTD Sept 17, 1900 #Adolf_Hitlerbegins high school. Does not do well. Disappoints father. Turns into a whole big thing later on…