Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: U.S. counterintelligence must step up its game! Insider threats, like China’s “Thousand Talents Plan,” recruits American scientists and employees to steal sensitive military and industrial secrets. It’s time to tighten security and safeguard our future.…

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: The CIA also has a word for formers who defect to Russia and hire FSB lawyers.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has announced that both today and yesterday, a Pair of IL-38 “May” Maritime Patrol and Anti-Submarine Aircraft with the Russian Navy were Detected and Tracked while operating within the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone…

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: RT @sentdefender: Syrian and Yemeni Sources are claiming that over the last few weeks, between 50-200 Houthi Fighters have been transferred…

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: CCTV Footage from today’s Stabbing Attack by a Palestinian Terrorist wielding a Box Cutter, against an Israeli Border Police Officer, who was on Patrol near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old Town. The Officer suffered Minor Injuries and the Terrorist was Neutralized.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: CCTV Footage from today’s Stabbing Attack by a Palestinian Terrorist wielding a Box Cutter, against an Israeli Border Police Officer, who was on Patrol near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old Town. The Officer suffered Minor Injuries and the Terrorist was Neutralized.

Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: Russia, China leading wave of ‘unprecedented’ intelligence threats to US. #threatintelligence #geopolitics #russia #China #threats…

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: @jurkzeuss I never tried to minimize anything, if you actually payed attention to my account you would know that; I was making fun of a statement made by the Florida Governor, that was it.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: @jurkzeuss I never tried to minimize anything, if you actually payed attention to my account you would know that; I was making fun of a statement made by the Florida Governor, that was it.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: @LarryMichno Yet you still follow me. 😂