Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: Smoke’em if you got’em!#DragonDrone

Espionage And Transnational Repression in the US

Office of Public Affairs | U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence …

Ionov, Sukhodolov, Popov, Yeshitela, Hess, Nevel and Romain are charged with conspiring to have U.S. citizens act as illegal agents of the Russian government within the United States without providing prior notification to the Attorney General, as required by law.

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: Welcome to the Russkiy Mir (Swamp)! Episode 51: “What funny sea urchin doing?”Russians on the beach near the Black Sea resort town of Sochi, who literally have no clue, decide to roll an anti-ship mine up onto shore.

Security and Intelligence

univers_mariana: SUA au trecut peste o spaimă nucleară în toamna anului 2002, când în CIA a existat convingerea că Rusia ar putea utiliza arme nucleare tactice pe câmpul de luptă din Ucraina, a dezvăluit sâmbătă şeful Agenţiei, William Burns, într-un interviu pentru…

Operation "Doppelganger"

Pennsylvania state police commissioner reveals stunning details about …

CNN — A local law enforcement commissioner revealed during a House Homeland Security hearing on Tuesday stunning new details about the security failures that led to the near assassination of Donald…

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Trump Threatens Lawyers, Donors and Others With Prosecution After Election

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: US Right-Wing Influencers “Mouthpieces” For Russian Propaganda: Report

Security and Intelligence

hmardiris: «Πέρα από στρατιωτική δύναμη, η #Χαμάς είναι επίσης μια ιδέα. Ο διευθυντής της CIA William Burns λέει ότι ο μόνος τρόπος για να αντικατασταθεί μια ιδέα είναι με μια άλλη ιδέα, δηλαδή με μια λύση δύο κρατών. Λέει ότι δεν υπάρχει καλύτερη εναλλακτική λύση.»

Security and Intelligence

aparanjape: CIA director saw ‘genuine risk’ of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons early in Ukraine war There was a real risk in the fall of 2022 that Russia could use nuclear weapons in its war against Ukraine, CIA Director William Burns said. The U.S. has

Security and Intelligence

AleksanderDroz4: @Zlatti_71 CIA Director William Burns 👇