Security and Intelligence

amaddama88: vers son île, il avait également de nombreuses relations avec la CIA et travaillait très probablement avec eux ! 1. Epstein a rencontré l’actuel chef de la CIA de Joe Biden, William Burns, après ses premières condamnations pour délits sexuels sur mineurs. 2. Alors qu’Epstein

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: Pres. @ZelenskyyUa’s evening address: ▪️ Rescue work in Poltava is still ongoing – they are sorting out the debris; ▪️ As of this time, the number of injured is 271 and 51 people have died; ▪️ There are still people under the rubble, everything is being done to save as many…

Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency will use AI technology in critical areas such as identifying potential targets using satellite imagery. #nga #intelligence #ai #satellite #surveillance

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Linda Sun, former Kathy Hochul aide, accused of scheming to advance interests of China

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@OCMediaorg: RT by @mikenov: OC Media has refused to register with the Georgian Government as an organisation ‘carrying out the interests of a foreign power’ after the deadline to do so passed on Monday.…

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: How BBC Open Source Journalists Investigate, Analyze, and Verify Information from Gaza – Global Investigative Journalism Network…

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: How BBC Open Source Journalists Investigate, Analyze, and Verify Information from Gaza – Global Investigative Journalism Network…

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: AFU 25th Airborne Brigade Channel: “Do we understand correctly that all TOP bloggers and TV channels are trying to shift responsibility for the tragedy in #Poltava to anyone other than the command of the (School), and do they not see any similarity with the incidents such as in…

Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: US and UK plan indefinite extension of nuclear weapons co-operation pact .

Security and Intelligence

DrainInspection: So like… @Cancelcloco what do you think of the CIA Director William Burns going to Venezuela while back? Maybe some kind or deal where green light was authorized?