Espionage And Transnational Repression in the US

Former aide to 2 New York governors is charged with being an agent of the Chinese government – The Associated Press

Former aide to 2 New York governors is charged with being an agent of the Chinese government  The Associated Press

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Russian war criminal not arrested in Mongolia. The ICC is toothless.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: Following reports in Early August that Iran was preparing to provide Russia with Hundreds of “Fath-360” Tactical-Ballistic Missiles for their War in Ukraine; European Officials have stated that the delivery of these System to the Battlefield in Western Russia and Ukraine is now…

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: You were wondering why everyone forgot about this @realDonaldTrump? If you had actually been shot by an AR-15 bullet, you’d have released the actual medical report confirming it long ago. But you never did and never will, because you are a liar.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: When you fake your own assassination, they let you pose for pictures.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Can you believe that’s the same person?

Security and Intelligence

Putin Is Spending Big to Shape Russia’s Youth in His Own Image

Nobody under 25 in Russia has known any other ruler than Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin is determined to ensure the new generation continues to be formed in the president’s image.

Security and Intelligence

@MilHistNow: On this day in 1943, the Allies invade Italy. The campaign to conquer what Winston Churchill calls “the soft underbelly of the Axis” will see some of the most savage fighting of the entire war.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: Israeli Forces are currently Searching the Local Cemetery within the City of Qalqilya in the West Bank, while under the Overwatch of nearby Snipers.

Security and Intelligence

@MilHistNow: Today in 1939, a solemn Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announces over the radio that Britain and Germany are at war. The decision follows Berlin’s refusal to withdraw from Poland. France also declares war. “My long struggle to win peace has failed,” Chamberlain admits.