Security and Intelligence

@aaronjmate: When it comes to parroting Syria dirty war propaganda, one of the most dutiful NATO stenographers. Did all he could do to whitewash the OPCW cover-up:

Espionage And Transnational Repression in the US

Who is Linda Sun? Former Hochul aide arrested by FBI alongside husband – FOX 5 New York

Who is Linda Sun? Former Hochul aide arrested by FBI alongside husband  FOX 5 New York

Security and Intelligence

Putin receives warm welcome in Mongolia despite International Criminal Court arrest warrant

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: Under the last administration, we were shipping jobs overseas. Now, they’re coming home. Under the last administration, pensions were at risk. Now, we’ve saved millions of them. We’re giving people in towns like Scranton a break for a change.

Security and Intelligence

@Bundeskanzler: I admire the strength and courage of Vladimir Kara-Mursa in his relentless efforts for Russia‘s democratic future. We secured his release in the prisoner exchange in August and we were able to talk to each other for longer today.

Security and Intelligence


Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: OTD Sept 3 1918 Fanny Kaplan, a member of the narodnik Socialist Revolutionaries, was executed for her attempted assassination of Lenin three days earlier. The serious injuries from the attempt likely contributed to Lenin’s ill health and early death at 53 in 1924.

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: #OTD Sept 3, 1939 France and United Kingdom declare war on Germany after invasion of Poland.

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: #OTD Sept 3, 1918 #Slacker_Raidstake place in #New_York_City. Approx 30,000 men without draft cards detained. Public outcry enormous. Led by the American Protective League, an org of volunteers with no law enforcement training but plenty of enthusiasm. Predictable results

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: #OTD Sept 3 1941 trial of 14 members #Duquesne_Spy_Ring begins in Brooklyn. Largest espionage case in U.S. history