Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: @MDRBrown @BondianCW One day someone smarter than me will write a piece on why/how the technically minded were attracted to fascism. It’s on my list of stuff I want to read that someone smart should write, along with WWII’s influence on British rock music.

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: ‘Unprecedented’ 2024 presidential race could get hit with an ‘October Surprise,’ CT historian says

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: ‘Unprecedented’ 2024 presidential race could get hit with an ‘October Surprise,’ CT historian says

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: Telegram and FSB

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Telegram and FSB

Security and Intelligence

@carlbildt: “The European Union and China have maintained or increased their reliance on each other for almost all types of imported goods, creating the potential for future clashes between EU and US national security policies.” ⁦@PIIE⁩

Security and Intelligence

@carlbildt: The open trading system saved us from a global food crisis. That lesson should not be forgotten.

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: Happy Ukrainian Aviation Day It takes time and perseverance to achieve your dreams and there are always obstacles along the way. Success and victory are not for the weak or insecure. #SlavaUkraini!

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: @MDRBrown @BondianCW Pro Tip: You never want to always be the richest guy of whatever room you walk into.

Security and Intelligence

@SpiesVespers: This is how you do disinformation during wartime against an enemy… “A judicious mixture of rumor and deception, with truth as bait, to foster disunity and confusion.” —William J. Donovan

This is how you do disinformation during wartime against an enemy… “A judicious mixture of rumor and deception, with truth as bait, to foster disunity and confusion.” —William J. Donovan