Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Indeed, journalists should establish the standard on Trump (as his friend Putin) that if he opens his mouth, he is lying. Patent liars must be treated as patent liars and not as decent people.

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: #ICYMI: Emmy-Nominated Palestinian Filmmaker Bisan Owda at PFLP Anniversary Rally in Gaza in 2015: The Policy of the PFLP Is that All the ‘People of the Intifada’, in Gaza, West Bank, and Jerusalem Are United as One

Security and Intelligence

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Identify, understand, and neutralize foreign intelligence threats and protect U.S. interests, assets, and people at home and abroad from espionage, sabotage, assassination, or other foreign intelligence activities or operations.

Security and Intelligence

The National Counterintelligence Strategy – DNI

Principles of Artificial Intelligence Ethics for the IC. 53 HPSCI Transcripts. Private Sector Engagement. National Strategy for Counterterrorism. The AIM Initiative. Declassified Tet Offensive Documents. Introducing IC Whistleblowing. See More Features. Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: On my watch, we’ve responsibly increased our oil production to meet our immediate needs – without delaying or deferring our transition to clean energy. We’re America. We can do both.

Security and Intelligence

@carlbildt: Relations between 🇽🇰 and 🇺🇸 used to be as close as can get, but are now lurching from bad to worse as 🇽🇰 government ignore international concern over its actions against its Serb minority.

Security and Intelligence

@carlbildt: With a deal for Rafale fighter jets from🇫🇷 Vucic 🇷🇸 continues his so far successful policy of having relations with everyone at the same time.…

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Trump cheers violence against his opponents, as usual.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: This should be the main task of FBI counterintelligence: to check whether major enemies – Russia & China – have paid top officials. My great suspicion is that they have but that the FBI is too cowardly or restricted that it does not deal with such issues.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: This appears a big deal. Which government building is it?