Security and Intelligence

@AliyahMayi: “The President of #Serbia, Aleksandar #Vučić, said on Saturday in #Belgrade that he had a “very useful and good” conversation with the director of the American Central Intelligence Agency (#CIA), William #Burns.” By Euronews.

Security and Intelligence

@DanKaszeta: RT by @KremlinTrolls: How does any sane person think “omg, Walz went to a dog park” is an attack that will gain votes for Trump? MAGA are just weird

Security and Intelligence

Putin, Iran’s Secret Plan To Corner Israel Diplomatically Before Tehran’s Military Attack?

Palestine plans to apply for BRICS membership at the upcoming summit in Russia, aligning with nations like Russia, India, and China. This development comes as Israel faces growing threats from Iran and Hezbollah amid escalating tensions in the region. Will Palestine’s potential BRICS membership shift global alliances and power dynamics?

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: The U.S. Air Force C-17 Medical Evacuation Flight, going by the Callsign (BNDGE27) and believed to have landed earlier at Baghdad International Airport in Eastern Iraq, is now on its way back to Ramstein Air Base in Germany, where the Unknown Patient or Patients will then likely…

Operation "Doppelganger"

Trump task force investigates attempted assassination site – NewsNation Now

Trump task force investigates attempted assassination site  NewsNation Now

Operation "Doppelganger"

Trump task force investigates attempted assassination site – NewsNation Now

Trump task force investigates attempted assassination site  NewsNation Now

Security and Intelligence

Charles McGonigal: Ex-FBI counterintelligence chief sentenced to over …

Charles McGonigal, a 22-year veteran of the FBI, pleaded guilty in August to one count of conspiracy to violate US sanctions and money laundering for working for Oleg Deripaska, a wealthy…

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: Karim Khan, ICC Prosecutor Since 2021, Said In 2016: The ICC’s Prosecution, Investigative Focus Is Flawed – This Ship Is Not Seaworthy; International Investigations Are a Serious Business, Should Not Be Conducted in the Glare of the CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera News Cycle (Archival)…

Security and Intelligence

@MilHistNow: Today in 1776, 20,000 British redcoats under William Howe deal George Washington’s 10,000-man Continental Army a crushing defeat on Long Island at Brooklyn Heights. The first major battle following the Declaration of Independence, the future looks grim for America’s rebellion.

Security and Intelligence

@MilHistNow: On this day in 1896, Britain goes to war with the tiny African nation of Zanzibar. Hostilities last for a total of 38 minutes making it history’s shortest armed conflict. Here’s a story about the war that took more time to write than the war itself:…