Security and Intelligence

@JakeSullivan46: The U.S. welcomes the opening of the Adré border crossing for life-saving aid and will continue to work with the parties to secure more humanitarian aid access. People are starving in Sudan – we will continue to work to end this terrible conflict.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Good afternoon @JakeSullivan46 .. If your child was killed by a Russian missile what would you do?

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: Americans show time and again that they agree health care decisions should be made by a woman with the help of her doctor, not politicians. Kamala and I will continue fighting to ensure that women can access the health care they need regardless of where they live.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: He’s got his thumb up and doing a photo-op at a cemetery. What is wrong with him?

Security and Intelligence

@mvhaydencenter: Welcome back, Patriots!!

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Russia’s largest cruise missile/drone attack on Ukraine last night .. 236 to be precise, of which 200 were intercepted by Ukrainian defenses .. cost about $1.5bn Putin is clearly committed to war not peace. We should remove all weapons restrictions so Ukraine can WIN. We need…

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: FBI informant’s book predicts far-right violence: ‘we should be afraid’ | Books

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Yes. Some people are saying you staged it. So yeah, move along, get over it.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Why would anybody sue to stop people voting?

Security and Intelligence

What is Telegram and why was its CEO arrested in Paris?

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested in Paris over the weekend over allegations that his platform is being used for illicit activity such as drug trafficking and the distribution of child sexual abuse images. Durov, who was born in Russia, spent much