Security and Intelligence

@SecBlinken: Today marks the seventh anniversary of the Burma military’s genocide and crimes against humanity targeting Rohingya. The United States continues to honor the victims and stand with the survivors as they seek justice and accountability for these atrocities.

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: It is my understanding that the AFU POW detention camps have enough seamstresses for now; in fact, they have a 608-year waiting list. Ironically, these new Russian POWs from the #Kursk AO may end up in the Budfarfor (“Colombo”) sanitary porcelain factor making toilets. Maybe…

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: #ICYMI: China And Russia Hold Joint Military Exercise in South China Sea Consisting of Reconnaissance, Anti-Submarine, Air Defense Drills

Security and Intelligence

Fred27781163688: L’Iran frappera Israël, la balle est dans le camp américano-israélien Un proverbe zen dit Si vous voulez escalader une montagne commencez par le sommet L’enthousiasme artificiel du président américain Joe Biden et du directeur de la CIA William Burns 👇

Security and Intelligence

@Osinttechnical: h/t @kromark for chasing down the base ID.

Security and Intelligence

Daz_197: Israeli media: CIA Director William Burns and White House adviser Brett McGurk hold intensive talks with Egyptian and Qatari officials in Cairo

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: #ICYMI: Canadian ‘#Samidoun’ Activist Charlotte Kates Accepts Human Rights Award In Iran Alongside Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Leader Ziyad Nakhaleh In Ceremony Honoring #Hamas Leader #Haniyeh – Audio of report here #MEMRI

Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: A deep-cover CIA officer spent years underground trying to infiltrate Al Qaeda- his story reveals mystery, moral quagmires, and the secret toll of the War on Terror. #CIA #alqaida #spy #islamicradicals #undercover

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: Initial Reports of a Serious Accident involving a Military Vehicle near the City of Al-Mahmudiyah in Eastern Iraq, close to the Capital of Baghdad, resulting in the Death of several Iraqi Soldiers as well as a Brigadier General.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Tate needs to be taken out of circulation and into prison. Best thing would be extradition to the US where, as a US citizen, he can end up in a federal prison for sex trafficking and money-laundering.