Security and Intelligence

Barong369: 🇺🇸🤝🇽🇰 The head of the #CIA visits the presidential office in Kosovo #William_Burns, the head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was spotted entering the presidential office building in Kosovo on August 22. His visit to Kosovo follows visits to other countries in the

Security and Intelligence

RksNews: CIA Director William Burns concludes his two-day visit to Kosovo after meetings with Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Vjosa Osmani. The U.S.-Kosovo alliance remains strong, ensuring security and peace! #Kosovo #USKosovoRelations #CIA

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: @CheesePack The ferry terminal will be closed for some time.

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: Chinese Intellectual Hua Qianfang: A Hizbullah Attack Against Israel Could Entangle America in the Middle East, Give China an Opportunity to Achieve “Reunification” with Taiwan

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: Should read “…UOC-MP refused to conduct funerals…”

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: I forgot to mention that, according to AFU reports, Putin has committed genocide on over 600,000 of his own forces and turned the once powerful Soviet Army into a modern day laughingstock and meme.

Security and Intelligence

officialdale777: 🚨 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 CIA AND MOSSAD OFFICIALS WORKING TOWARDS GAZA CEASEFIRE AGREEMENT Top officials from the Mossad and CIA, David Barnea and William Burns respectively, are currently engaged in discussions in Cairo aimed at securing a ceasefire agreement in Gaza. Despite efforts,

Security and Intelligence

statecraftdaily: (5/7) Egypt and Qatar continue mediating, with upcoming talks in Cairo. CIA’s William Burns, Mossad’s David Barnea, and Qatari and Egyptian officials are expected to attend.

Security and Intelligence

statecraftdaily: (5/7) Egypt and Qatar continue mediating, with upcoming talks in Cairo. CIA’s William Burns, Mossad’s David Barnea, and Qatari and Egyptian officials are expected to attend.

Security and Intelligence

dw_shqip: Drejtori i CIA-s William Burns qëndroi edhe në Kosovë. Drejtori i Agjencisë Qendrore amerikane të Zbulimit (CIA), William Burns vizitoi Prishtinën, pas qëndrimit në Beograd, por nuk ka pasur asnjë njoftim për këto vizita. 🇺🇸🇽🇰