Security and Intelligence

@maykaneffort: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: @JuliaDavisNews “At the same time, Ukraine will keep pushing itself into the abyss of an aggressive war against the Russian Federation. They will eventually be held accountable to the fullest extent of international laws.” How? Just how? How can an entire nation be this obtuse?

Security and Intelligence

@Prune602: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: @JuliaDavisNews Russian State Media graphics: How it started (June 2024)/How it’s going (August 2024) 🇷🇺: OMG! THEY HAVE NUKES! 😱

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: #FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ Audio Post- How Trump bent the Justice Department and FBI to his will

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: Republicans in Congress want to play politics with the border. I’m fighting to fix it.

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: #FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ Audio Post- How Trump bent the Justice Department and FBI to his will | KSUT Public Radio… Our guest today, veteran investigative reporter David Rohde, argues that in Donald Trump’s four years as president and three years out of office,…

Security and Intelligence

@aaronjmate: The Dem party’s bigger “mistake” in 2024 is to arm the Israeli state that is erasing the Palestinian people

Security and Intelligence

BriganContraria: Con il Medio Oriente in fiamme, la guerra in Ucraina entrata in una fase cruciale, gli Usa concentrati sulle elezioni, il capo della Cia William Burns vola in Bosnia-Erzegovina, Serbia e Kosovo, i nodi irrisolti delle guerre nei #Balcani Pessimo segnale

Security and Intelligence

denis_fund: ALOIS IRLMAIER parle de 3 tentatives d’assassinat – 1.ROBERT FICO – 2.DONALD TRUMP – . 3 – MACRON ? Macron se rend en SERBIE dans les BALKANS – WILLIAM BURNS Dr de la CIA vient de débarquer à BELGRADE – Attentat sous faux Drapeau prévisible ? REGARDEZ

Security and Intelligence

@Prune602: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: “Ukraine will keep pushing itself into the abyss of an aggressive war against the Russian Federation. They will be eventually held accountable for this.” ~ Alexey AnpilogovBehold! Accusation in a mirror!Russia invaded Ukraine & they could end this war TODAY by leaving it.

Security and Intelligence

@Prune602: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: @JuliaDavisNews Olga Skabeeva: “Did they [Ukraine] enter our territory with backhoes?” Daniil Bezsonov: “Yes” 😂