Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Today, Putin had a meeting with a couple of deputy PMs & the three relevant governors. All were exceedingly sad, but also bored. In a very Soviet manner they dug deep in details & bureaucracy. No strategy. No plan. No thinking. Good!…

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Trump is simply too demented to work. Why would anybody vote for him as president?

Trump is simply too demented to work. Why would anybody vote for him as president?

Security and Intelligence

@general_ben: Ambassador, I think we should consider this the “Kursk counter-offensive”, based on the effects the Ukrainians are trying to achieve. It will change momentum and narratives and disrupt Russian C2, transport, oil/gas infrastructure, airfield operations and domestic politics.

Security and Intelligence

@barritus_69: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: Every Western tankie needs the same trip to Russia to learn what Russkyi Mir is in fact.

Security and Intelligence

@IntelMattersPod: RT by @mvhaydencenter: Listen/Follow here:…

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: Since this morning, the Israeli Air Force has launched several Helicopter and Airstrikes on Hezbollah Targets in Southern Lebanon, including against a Weapons Depot near the Town of Jibbain and Military Infrastructure in Ayta ash-Shab and Meiss el-Jabal.

Security and Intelligence

@GenMhayden: RT @GenMhayden: Maybe they are going on a long trip.

Security and Intelligence

@mvhaydencenter: Tonight around 7:15 ET former @CIA officer, current Congresswoman, and Hayden Center guest @RepSlotkin speaks at the @DNC convention.

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: I’ve never been more optimistic about the prospects of our nation, and it’s because of talented young Americans like our White House Interns.

Security and Intelligence

@JuliaDavisNews: He should wear that hat with horns.