Security and Intelligence

@JohnFugelsang: RT @JohnFugelsang: In which Ann Coulter imagines an America where Trump, and all of his children, are banned from voting.

Security and Intelligence

@AshaRangappa_: RT @AshaRangappa_: Remember that sociopaths find heartfelt expressions of emotion baffling and amusing, because they are incapable of exper…

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: “The 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has said that it has advanced almost two square kilometres into Russian-occupied territory in Kharkiv Oblast in the northeast of Ukraine.”…

Security and Intelligence

@general_ben: Not sure I agree with this. Russia has advanced only 50 KM from Avdivka towards Pokrovsk in six months at enormous cost. I trust UAF judgement here on allocation of resources. Some observers in West more concerned about Pokrovsk than experienced UAF commanders.

Security and Intelligence

‘I love him’: Flag-waving Russians rally for pro-Putin pop star

Thousands of flag-waving Russians gathered for a concert by pro-Kremlin pop star Shaman on Thursday, one of many events authorities hope will rally patriotism almost two-and-a-half years into the Ukraine conflict.Fans told AFP they hoped his concert on Thursday would unify Russians.

Security and Intelligence

@general_ben: Yes! Don’t fear a Ukrainian victory or Putin collapse. Prepare for it, plan for it, accelerate it. It will improve security in Europe for decades.

Security and Intelligence

MilanMJovanovic: Direktor američke Centralne obaveštajne agencije (CIA) William Burns boravio je u sredu u nenajavljenoj poseti Prištini gde se sastao i s predsednicom Kosova Vjosom Osmani – javili su u četvrtak kosovski mediji.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Maybe they should have just called up the TV manufacturers?

Maybe they should have just called up the TV manufacturers?

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: George W Bush.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Was he a duped Republican?