Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: And without the po-faced fact checks or attempts to rebut him on an intellectual level that does not exist for him and never will. Keep it tonal.

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: The Hannibal Lecter thing is funnier if you remind people that Trump thinks insane asylum escapees are the same as asylum seekers.

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: The distance between Clinton’s first nominating convention (which I watched on TV) and his speech tonight is the equivalent of JFK’s speaking at the DNC in 1992 and now even I feel old.

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: Irishman serving on Ukrainian frontline missing, presumed dead

Security and Intelligence

“We did not have any information about the shooter, he was not in our Holdings” – this answers the question, and it has to be accepted.


1:39:56 / 6:51:44

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: @StephDol73 Thank you for the support!

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: At 5:00am last night, a Mass Email containing a Bomb Threat was sent to over 100 Jewish Institutions, including Schools, Synagogues, and Hospitals, across Canada; leading Police to Increase Security at Dozens of these Locations in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa. The Royal Canadian

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: This is right. The russian orthodox church is not a church, but an arm of the FSB masquerading (in expensive robes) as a church. Other countries should prohibit it for the same reasons.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Is it a precondition for becoming a supreme court justice that you lie to Congress? Is that really a good system?

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Mike has a major point. Trump’s disregard for Putin’s aggression in Ukraine reassured Putin that he could invade Ukraine.Trump did NOTHING to stop Putin’s coming aggression in Ukraine. Didn’t Trump understand or was he on Putin’s side?This is question all should ask Trump.