Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: Footage showing Interceptions earlier by the Iron Dome over the Upper Galilee Region of Northern Israel, following the launch of at least 10 Rockets towards the Town of Ramot Naftali.

Security and Intelligence

Putin Exploited Trump’s ‘Ego and Insecurities,’ Writes Former Nat. Sec. Adviser

Former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster writes in a new memoir that Vladimir Putin took advantage of Donald Trump “ego and insecurities.”

Security and Intelligence

@Bundeskanzler: Moldova is suffering from the Russian aggression against Ukraine and its consequences. We know that Russia and pro-Russian actors are trying to destabilize the country. Therefore, the main message in Chișinău today is: We stand with you, dear @sandumaiamd.

Security and Intelligence

@Bundeskanzler: Moldau leidet unter dem russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine und den Folgen. Wir wissen, dass Russland und pro-russische Akteure versuchen, das Land zu destabilisieren. Die wichtigste Botschaft heute in Chișinău lautet deshalb: Wir stehen an eurer Seite, liebe @sandumaiamd.

Security and Intelligence

Kursk Assault ‘Severe Blow’ To Putin: EU’s Borrell

The EU’s top diplomat said Wednesday that Ukraine’s Kursk counteroffensive had dealt a “severe blow” to Vladimir Putin’s war narrative, while calling for a lifting of restrictions on Kyiv using Western-supplied weapons inside Russia.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: Sonic Booms from Israeli Aircraft over Beirut and Southwestern Lebanon.

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: The Body of Senior Fatah Member and Advisor to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Khalil Hussein Khalil Al-Maqdah, who was Eliminated earlier today by Israeli Airstrike on the City of Sidon in Southwestern Lebanon, is seen being Transported through the Streets of the Ain…

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: Why was only one copter affected, in the same weather?#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…

Security and Intelligence

@IntlSpyMuseum: RT by @SpiesVespers: nobody will remember: – your salary – how “busy you were” – how many hours you worked people will remember: – how long you lasted on hang time at the international spy museum

Security and Intelligence

@sentdefender: Iranian Security Services have now Completed their Investigation into the Helicopter Crash which caused the Death of Former President Ebrahim Raisi in May, with it determined that the Crash was not the result of any Malicious Action but instead an Accident caused by Severe…