Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: The US cannot deliver its part of the $50 billion to Ukraine unless the EU makes its freezing of the Russian sovereign assets permanent, which it should do. The EU must clarify that Russia will not get its sovereign assets back as long as it has not paid Ukraine reparations.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: What is happening in Europe? The G7 was supposed to deliver $50 billion to Ukraine by September. But what happened? The EU, Germany & France went to sleep (as usual) so nothing happened. At present, only Italy & Poland of the big EU countries appear to stand up for Ukraine.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Indeed, political leaders must stand up to billionaire bullies. They have no political mandates. Nor do they understand anything of politics & many of them are authoritarians. Musk is the most obvious and disgusting example.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: It is difficult to imagine a more foul-mouthed & mean liar than Donald Trump. Why would anybody even think of voting for such an awful character? Just say no to Trump!

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Good! The Russian Orthodox Church is not an actual church but a subdivision of the FSB, an agency for intelligence & subversion. It should be treated accordingly, that is, prohibited in all free countries.

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: Your flight to Detroit. Has been canceled due to extreme weather conditions. And we’ve had to downgrade you on your new flight due to overbooking. Your new flight is delayed.

Security and Intelligence

SineIbrahima: 🇺🇲🇧🇦 Le directeur de la CIA, William Burns, a atterri en Bosnie plus tôt dans la journée. Il doit rencontrer le directeur de l’Agence de renseignement et de sécurité bosniaque, Almir Džuvo, et des membres de la présidence de la Bosnie-Herzégovine.

Security and Intelligence

@VladaKnowlton: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: @JuliaDavisNews Lol someone on the production staff hates Ekaterina Moore. Maybe it’s a lady who has a cat. 😹

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: So much for the Kursk offensive having stalled…

Security and Intelligence

@MilHistNow: MHN welcomes its newest contributor: William L. Ramsey, author of ‘Wake Island Wildcat: A Marine Fighter Pilot’s Epic Battle at the Beginning of World War II’ from @StackpoleBooks “An insightful and engaging portrait.” Check it out here:…