Security and Intelligence

@RCInvestigates: Investigative Issues: Democrats Ouster of Biden Could Constitute a Federal Crime—at Least According to Special Counsel Jack Smith

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: Robert morton on mini drones – Google Search… When Spies Go Small: The CIA’s Secret Arsenal of Insect- … Medium · Robert Morton 1 day ago These mini-drones are more than just cool gadgets — they’re like the secret agents of the insect world, equipped…

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: Crooks as decoy in Trump shooting

Security and Intelligence

@MilHistNow: On this day in 1812, the @USSConstitution defeats HMS Guerriere off Nova Scotia. The engagement earns the American frigate the nickname “Old Ironsides” after British cannon balls bounce off its thick oak hull.

Security and Intelligence

@MilHistNow: On this day in 1782, a force of 400 Loyalists and Indigenous warriors ambush a column of militia in the Kentucky wilderness. Fought nearly a year after the British surrender at Yorktown, the Battle of Blue Licks is remembered as the last Tory victory of the American Revolution.

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: former agent Steve Friend

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: former agent Steve Friend

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: All five bridges over the #Seym River west of #Korenevo, #Kursk, have been destroyed: 3 by Ukraine using JADAM/AASM bombs (red); and, two by Russian sappers (orange). The question is whether Russian troops were stranded to the south. They can always evacuate by boat or by…

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: It does appear the bridge at #Karyzh was destroyed. Mystery solved… Image 1 below is the image of what is reported to be the destroyed bridge over the #Seym river in #Karyzh. Image 2 shows satellite imagery of a temporary bridge downstream of the old bridge which was…

Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: Good grief! #Lukashenko #Ukraine #Russia #nuclearweapons