Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: Michigan Friday Sermon: Our Jihad in America Is to Invite the Disbelievers Here to Embrace Islam; We Must Not Hand Our Children Over to The Infidels’ Civilization by Sending Them to Schools That Teach Transgenderism

Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: The Ukrainian Air Force released a video of a JADAM or AASM strike on the #Zvannoe Bridge over the #Seym River in #Kursk (#KuPR), Russia. The bridge will require substantial repairs before is it capable of being used for anything more than foot traffic. Geolocation: 51.387954,…

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: West Bank Palestinian Terrorist ”Abu Shujaa” Commander of the Tulkarm Brigade: I Salute the Resistance Axis from Tehran, Sanaa, Hizbullah; the Al-Aqsa Flood War Has Proved that the People of Gaza Are Capable of Terminating the State of Israel #Palestinians #terrorism

Security and Intelligence

Kremlin response to Kursk incursion shows how Putin freezes in a crisis

When Russian President Vladimir Putin’s authority is tested, his response often lacks quick, decisive action that lives up to his bellicose rhetoric.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Trump has no clue how tariffs work.

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: How to get free, unlimited pizza:

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Hilarious. Trump can’t even get people to attend his rallies when he tries paying them.

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: Hizbullah Showcases ‘Imad 4’ Miltary Facility – Tunnel Complex Wide Enough for Trucks to Drive Through, Missile Launchers #Hizbullah #Lebanon

Security and Intelligence

@CovertShores: RT by @KremlinTrolls: ***UPDATE*** Here->… #Ukraine’s second generation weaponized jet ski USV used in attacks on #Russian facilities in Crimea the night before last. Note the radar #OSINT

Security and Intelligence

@KremlinTrolls: Trump’s head is spinning because he can’t stand the fact that a black woman’s crowds are bigger than his. Photo: Half empty arena for Trump’s PA agitprop rally.