Security and Intelligence

@Prometheon1: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: The top liars in russia urge state media to stop lying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Security and Intelligence

@JuliaDavisNews: β€œUkrainian Cossacks also took Moscow, together with the Poles,” Yusin noted bitterly. β€œLet’s not go there,” Rogov replied.

Security and Intelligence

@Osinttechnical: The US is reportedly β€œopen” to supplying Ukraine with AGM-158 JASSM air launched stealth cruise missiles, and is already working on upgrading Ukrainian F-16s to fire them, per Politico.

Security and Intelligence

@VladaKnowlton: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: @JuliaDavisNews Just like they’ve been lying about what’s happening in Ukraine, Russian officials tried to lie and say it was just a rogue β€œreconnaissance” crew when Ukraine counter-invaded. It’s hard to keep their people from knowing the truth when it’s happening inside their own country.

Security and Intelligence

@JuliaDavisNews: Meanwhile in Russia: even propagandists urge state media to stop lying to the people, because their deception was laid bare by Ukraine’s counter-invasion of Kursk and other regions. This and more in my latest article, linked below ‡️

Security and Intelligence

@MEMRIReports: Amid Increasing Concerns Of All-Out War With #Israel, Opponents Of Hizbullah In #Lebanon Protest: Enough, We Are Tired Of War – Audio of report here #MEMRI

Security and Intelligence

@VladaKnowlton: RT by @JuliaDavisNews: @JuliaDavisNews But the Kremlin really really wants to…and would do so first chance it got…

Security and Intelligence

@POTUS: Medicare has reached agreements with manufacturers of all 10 drugs selected for drug price negotiation. That means the prices of these ten drugs will be cut 40% to 80%. And folks, this is only the first ten. We’re not stopping here.

Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: Switzerland freezes $1.5 billion for Russian oligarch Kerimov. Rumor has it that he gave secrets to U.S. intelligence- the Kremlin’s inner workings, financial networks, and high-level ties to Russia’s elite. #Geopolitics #Russia #Intelligence

Security and Intelligence

@JuliaDavisNews: Even the Kremlin’s paid liars are begging Putin to end the deception and prepare the population for the worst case scenario. My latest for @thedailybeast:…