Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: ISW: “Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly appointed Russian Presidential Aid Aide Alexei Dyumin to supervise Russia’s “counterterrorism operation” in Kursk Oblast on August 12.” This might be important Dyumin, a former Putin bodyguard (FSO), is a possible crown prince.

Security and Intelligence

@general_ben: Agree with @MikeClarke2020s We don’t know and are not entitled to know UKR Objective. Doomers continue to underestimate UKR. But UKR has delivered a blow to Russia, they’ll stay as long as needed to accomplish their tasks. Russian reaction thus far is chaotic, panicked, slow.

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: “Russian soldiers are being pulled from Zaporizhzhia, Crimea, and Kharkiv to halt Ukraine’s continued advances into Russia’s Kursk region.”

Security and Intelligence

nouvelleaubefr: Ces nouveaux pourparlers sur un cessez-le-feu auxquels ont appelé les pays médiateurs, auront lieu à Doha, ont affirmé une source proche du Hamas et une autre proche des négociations, en présence du directeur de la CIA William Burns, selon une troisième source.

Security and Intelligence

@Osinttechnical: Kursk Oblast, a Ukrainian soldier sits at a captured command post from the Russian 60th Motor Rifle Brigade’s 28th Rifle Battalion.

Security and Intelligence

putino: Secondo una fonte statunitense che ha familiarità con i negoziati, anche il direttore della CIA William Burns dovrebbe partecipare ai colloqui. Tuttavia non è chiaro se Hamas parteciperà o aspetterà i risultati per ottenere un aggiornamento e vedere le proposte israeliane.

Security and Intelligence

@jimstewartson: RT @jimstewartson: The day after “getting burgers” with RFK Jr., convicted pedophile GRU agent Scott Ritter says when the FBI raided him to…

Security and Intelligence

@ImMeme0: RT @ImMeme0: BREAKING: Newly released records show that Thomas Crooks, the man who attempted to assassinate Trump, spent months training wi…

Security and Intelligence

@FBI: RT @FBI: U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Pleads Guilty to Charges of Conspiracy to Obtain and Disclose National Defense Information, Export…

Security and Intelligence

@TomFitton: RT @TomFitton: FBI engaged in ‘major-league cover-up’ of Trump assassination attempt: @JudicialWatch