Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: Elon Musk has made most of his money on the US government. Why did he get that much government money? I oppose it in principle.Any future US government should state that nobody – not even Musk – must be given so much US government money. Vote against Musk’s Trump subsidies!

Security and Intelligence

@Sasha_Etkind: RT @Sasha_Etkind: It’s so stupid is sounds like a parody. “The dumbest climate conversation of all times”: Trump thinks that flooding will…

Security and Intelligence

@LevHavryliv: RT @LevHavryliv: The situation has materially changed. Russia’s red lines have been demonstrated to be nonexistent. Why do the “escalatio…

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: @MWalschot @Jamesmf66 Yes, I am an elitist: I believe in truth. Trump bought his degree (in all probability) from Wharton (Penn) & JD Vance went to Yale Law School & abandoned all its purported ideals. These two characters don’t believe in truth. Thus, they are no elitists, just trash.

Security and Intelligence

@anders_aslund: The next time I hear “inaccurate statement” I shall shout “lie”! Start using normal language! We must no longer allow chronic liars, such as Trump, to get away with always lying. A lie is a lie and must be called out! Anything else is substandard journalism.

Security and Intelligence

@jurgen_nauditt: RT @jurgen_nauditt: Attack on Bundeswehr barracks in Germany – drinking water was contaminated.Investigations are underway

Security and Intelligence

@Robert4787: Elite ransomware cybercriminal busted and extradited to U.S.- expect long prison sentence. #globalhacking #ransomware #cybercrime #hacker #ruleoflaw…

Security and Intelligence

@KateSullivanDC: RT @KateSullivanDC: Trump says the FBI is looking into the hack on his campaign and again says “it looks like it’s Iran.” I asked him if t…

Security and Intelligence

@ericgeller: RT @ericgeller: Google says it has thwarted Iranian government hackers’ “small but steady” campaign to breach presidential campaigns, inclu…

Security and Intelligence

@mvhaydencenter: Thread⬇️