Security and Intelligence

@UKikaski: You can’t make this sh|t up! The acting governor of #Kursk, Russia, announced that he will begin evacuating residents to… wait… the occupied area of #Zaporizhia, Ukraine. In my opinion, this is just a way of Putin exacting some revenge by doubling down on his genocidal…

Security and Intelligence

Inside Putin’s Kremlin

John Sullivan, Washington’s former ambassador to Moscow, on how power works in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Security and Intelligence

OpnIntel: .@MikeBenzCyber has some great posts and videos discussing how the CIA and State Department co-mingle. It’ll help you understand how CIA Director William Burns moved from the State Department as Deputy Secretary of State under Hillary Clinton to becoming the Director of the CIA.

Security and Intelligence

@RCInvestigates: Secrecy of the President’s Family ‘Doc’ Raises the Question: Are We Getting the Full Story on Biden’s Health?

Security and Intelligence

@RCInvestigates: Waste of the Day: IRS Employees Owe $50 Million In Unpaid Taxes

Security and Intelligence

@RCInvestigates: Waste of the Day: Santa Clara Will Spend $213 Million on Rail Cars – They Won’t Use Until 2037!

Security and Intelligence

@RCInvestigates: Investigative Issues: Atop ABC, a Personal Connection to Kamala Harris

Security and Intelligence

Putin says Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk is an attempt to stop Moscow’s eastern offensive

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that the Ukraine army’s incursion into the Kursk region, which has caused more than 100,000 civilians to flee, is an attempt by Kyiv to stop Moscow’s offensive in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region.

Security and Intelligence

Putin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza thought he was being executed before his release in historic prisoner swap

Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian opposition politician and one of President Vladimir Putin’s fiercest critics, has described the psychological torture he endured during 11 months in solitary confinement, saying he thought he would die in a Siberian cell.

Security and Intelligence

@mikenov: Belousov – The News And Times Review –