Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: Deep State: “According to our calculations, approximately 44 settlements were liberated and the status of another 10 is unknown. The estimate is extremely conservative.”

Security and Intelligence

@IDF: The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, emphasized the continuation of a high level of readiness and efforts to prepare for offense and defense in a situational assessment and approval of plans in the various arenas, with commanders from the General Staff Forum.

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: “Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant spoke on Sunday with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and told him the Iranian military preparations suggest Iran is getting ready for a large-scale attack”:

Security and Intelligence

@michaeldweiss: Meet Philip Gordon: Kamala’s Foreign Policy Guru:

Security and Intelligence

Russian blame game heats up as Ukraine’s special military operation riles Putin

Local authorities admit Kyiv’s forces now control dozens of settlements inside Russia.

Security and Intelligence

@joni_askola: RT @joni_askola: 1/8 When there is nothing else left: russian blackmail should always be ignored, regardless of the circumstances, as it is…

Security and Intelligence

@maria_avdv: RT @maria_avdv: Russia has admitted to losing 28 settlements in the Kursk region, covering an area 12 km deep and 40 km wide. This came out…

Security and Intelligence

@nexta_tv: RT @nexta_tv: The Ukrainian flag is flying on the Kinburn Spit The voice-over says that the recording was made yesterday, August 11. The…

Security and Intelligence

@wartranslated: RT @wartranslated: Ukrainian servicemen came across two Russian babushkas in the Kursk Zone, who asked for a lift, and one of them even spo…

Security and Intelligence

@officejjsmart: RT @officejjsmart: Ukrainian Military 🇺🇦 continues to advance in the Kursk region despite the Russia’s statements about “stabilizing the si…