Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov:… Selected Articles #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…… Selected Articles #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI … Russian spy plot to sow ‘panic and terror’ in US … GOP Lawmaker Gets Mountain Of Mockery … The Coming Russian Escalation With the West…


@michaeldweiss: “We need leaders to replace managers — individuals who will have the courage to teach society to accept risk once more and to keep taking risks until we succeed.” by ⁦@andrewmichta⁩…

“We need leaders to replace managers — individuals who will have the courage to teach society to accept risk once more and to keep taking risks until we succeed.” by ⁦@andrewmichta

— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) July 9, 2024


@michaeldweiss: “About half of Mr. Macron’s supporters backed the left, and one in six voted for the far right.”…

“About half of Mr. Macron’s supporters backed the left, and one in six voted for the far right.”

— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) July 9, 2024


@michaeldweiss: Every time.

Every time.

— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) July 9, 2024


Russian attack on Okhmatdyt on 8 July: 2 people killed, 32 injured. Emergency and rescue operations are completed. PHOTOS

Emergency and rescue operations at the “Okhmatdyt” Children’s Hospital in Kyiv have been completed.


@mikenov: Latest Stories from The Associated Press / Prosecutor tells New York City jury at bribery trial that Sen. Bob Menendez put power ‘up for sale’…

Latest Stories from The Associated Press / Prosecutor tells New York City jury at bribery trial that Sen. Bob Menendez put power ‘up for sale’

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 9, 2024

The News And Times Blog

Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI … Russian spy plot to sow ‘panic and terror’ in US … GOP Lawmaker Gets Mountain Of Mockery … The Coming Russian Escalation With the West


Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan
WASHINGTON, May 17 (Reuters) – Some of Donald Trump’s allies are assembling proposals to curtail the Justice Department’s independence and turn the nation’s top law enforcement body into an attack dog for conservative causes, nine people involved in the effort told Reuters.If successful, the overhaul could represent one of the most consequential actions…

J. Edgar Hoover should validate our fears about SCOTUS’s immunity ruling
There’s been much talk about the gravity and impact of this month’s Supreme Court finding granting a former U.S. president presumptive immunity for “official” acts, and absolute immunity when exercising “core constitutional powers.” In the oral arguments preceding this decision, and in the dissenting opinion of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the justices…

Russian spy plot to sow ‘panic and terror’ in US leaked in bombshell report
A Russian spy plot that sought to sow “panic and terror” in the West has been revealed in a joint-investigation.Leaked emails from Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) obtained by independent Russian site The Insider and the German newspaper Der Spiegel reveal an elaborate plan masterminded in 2022, dubbed “Project Kylo.”Just months into Russia’s…

Biden says he won’t drop out as some Democrats question his ability
WASHINGTON, July 8 (Reuters) – President Joe Biden refused to abandon his reelection campaign on Monday as he sought to stave off a possible revolt by fellow Democrats who worry the party could lose the White House and Congress in the Nov. 5 U.S. election.Biden, 81, said any candidates who doubt his ability should challenge him at the Democratic National…

GOP Lawmaker Gets Mountain Of Mockery After Wild New Biden Conspiracy Theory
A Republican lawmaker on Tuesday took the latest right-wing conspiracy theory about President Joe Biden to a fizzy new level by claiming he would be “jacked up” on soda for this week’s debate against Donald Trump. “Trump’s team should not underestimate Joe Biden and his team’s ability to, y’know, whether they’re gonna jack him up on Mountain Dew or…

Крупномасштабная российская атака на украинские города
Власти украинских городов сообщили о множестве погибших и пострадавших от массированных российских ракетных атак. В Киеве разрушена детская больница Российская ракетная атака на столицу Украины – Киев – в понедельник стала одним из самых жестоких нападений за время двухлетнего полномасштабного вторжения Москвы, заявил мэр Киева Виталий Кличко….

Is the risk of nuclear escalation rising between Russia and the West? | Rajan Menon
Warnings about nuclear escalation in Ukraine are now being issued with increasing frequency and urgency, due to dramatic changes in policy by some of Kyiv’s main western supporters.Some European countries, including Britain, France and Germany, and the United States, have changed course, giving Ukraine the green light to use their weapons against sites…

US investigating possible mysterious directed energy attack near White House
Federal agencies are investigating at least two possible incidents on US soil, including one near the White House in November of last year, that appear similar to mysterious, invisible attacks that have led to debilitating symptoms for dozens of US personnel abroad. Multiple sources…

The Coming Russian Escalation With the West
To judge from the editorial pages and Capitol Hill currents that both shape and reflect Washington’s perceptions of the world, the doomsayers sounding alarms over the risk of direct military conflict between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine have been proved wrong. Despite many Russian warnings and much nuclear saber-rattling, the United States has managed…

Biden shows growing appetite to cross Putin’s red lines
President Biden’s decision last month to help Ukraine obtain F-16 fighter jets marked another crossing of a Russian red line that Vladimir Putin has said would transform the war and draw Washington and Moscow into direct conflict.Despite the Russian leader’s apocalyptic warnings, the United States has gradually agreed to expand Ukraine’s arsenal with…
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“Maybe he should have had some Mountain Dew” Missouri’s Congressional delegation sounds off about presidential debate
Some people might have been on the fence prior to Thursday night’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. For others, the debate might have sealed their decision on who they will vote for as the nation’s commander-in-chief. The 90-minute debate was hosted by CNN. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash were the moderators. A variety…

Председателем Совета министров обороны государств СНГ избран Андрей Белоусов
Сегодня, 3 июля, на очередном заседании Совета министров обороны государств — участников Содружества Независимых Государств в Минске министр обороны Беларуси Виктор Хренин поздравил российского коллегу Андрея Белоусова с избранием на пост председателя Совета министров обороны государств СНГ и передал ему слово для ведения заседания. Более 30 лет Содружество…

Ukraine hits munitions depot inside Russia with drones – source
KYIV, July 7 (Reuters) – Ukrainian drones hit a munitions depot inside Russia overnight and there was a “high chance” of explosions at Russian military-industrial sites in the near future, a security source said on Sunday.The source, who asked to remain anonymous, told Reuters the 9,000 sq. metre munitions storage facility was in the Russian region…

Democrats’ cover-up of Biden decline raises hard questions. When did they know the truth?
Who are the top choices to replace Biden if he decides not to run?If President Joe Biden decides not to seek re-election, who are some of the top choices to replace him on the Democratic ticket?In a brief speech on Monday night from the White House, President Joe Biden appeared once again to struggle to speak without a teleprompter. He spoke for only…

Russian spy plot to sow ‘panic and terror’ in US leaked in bombshell report
A Russian spy plot that sought to sow “panic and terror” in the West has been revealed in a joint-investigation.Leaked emails from Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) obtained by independent Russian site The Insider and the German newspaper Der Spiegel reveal an elaborate plan masterminded in 2022, dubbed “Project Kylo.”Just months into Russia’s…

Путин не готовит Дюмина в качестве своего преемника — политолог
МОСКВА (ИА Реалист). После того, как в конце мая Алексей Дюмин сместил на должности секретаря Госсовета влиятельного Игоря Левитина, поползли слухи, что президент России Владимир Путин готовит себе преемника. О том, насколько оправданы эти слухи и кем на самом деле является Алексей Дюмин рассуждает научный сотрудник-консультант программы «Россия и…

Дюмин и Гладков обсудили безопасность жителей Белгородской области – Аргументы Недели
Аргументы Недели → Политика 13+ 5 июля 2024, 20:44 Источник: ТГ-канал Вячеслава Гладкова Подписывайтесь на Аргументы недели: Новости | Дзен | Telegram

Эрдоган: у Путина есть свои подходы для нормализации отношений Турции и Сирии – Аргументы Недели
Аргументы Недели → Политика 13+ 7 июля 2024, 16:34 Источник: РИА Новости Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган. Фото: сайт президента Турции. У лидеров России и Ирака есть свои подходы для нормализации отношений Турции и Сирии. Об этом заявил турецкий лидер Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган. По его словам, Анкара готова к улучшению отношений с Дамаском. Общаясь 7…

На взводе: О чём Белоусов мог предупредить Ллойда Остина?
3После атаки на Севастополь глава Пентагона Ллойд Остин позвонил министру обороны России Андрею Белоусову. О чём они говорили и как это повлияет на общий ход СВО? Своей версией поделился политолог Андрей Перла в новом выпуске программы “Скрытые смыслы”. При атаке на Севастополь погибли четыре человека, включая двух детей, пострадали больше сотни людей….

«Наука для шпионов»: Белоусов вынуждает США играть по правилам России — дронов над Черным морем становится меньше – новости Хибины.ru
Глава Минобороны РФ Андрей Белоусов планомерно меняет ход игры, заставляя Пентагон играть по российским правилам, пишет «Царьград». ВС РФ преподнесли урок западным шпионам, которые собирали разведданные около российских границ. Инцидент над Черным морем стал наукой для дронов-разведчиков. После обстрела пляжа в Севастополе обострилась ситуация с американскими…

Supreme Court warning issued by former CIA director
A former CIA director who served a number of roles under multiple presidents has issued a warning to the country over the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling.On Monday, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in a 6-3 majority ruling that former President Donald Trump has “absolute immunity” for acts that fall “within his conclusive and preclusive…

Pentagon head speaks with Russian counterpart for first time in a year
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with Russia’s defense minister — the first such conversation in 15 months.Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder announced the call in a briefing Tuesday, saying Austin initiated the discussion.“The secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against…
Netanyahu and the Sword of Damocles | Bar Fishman | The Blogs –
Netanyahu and the Sword of Damocles | Bar Fishman | The Blogs
Public prefers either Bennett or Gantz over Netanyahu for PM — poll – The Times of Israel
Public prefers either Bennett or Gantz over Netanyahu for PM — poll  The Times of Israel
54% of public thinks war dragging on due to Netanyahu’s political considerations — poll – The Times of Israel
54% of public thinks war dragging on due to Netanyahu’s political considerations — poll  The Times of Israel
Germany calls on Israel, Hamas to implement UN-backed cease-fire proposal – Anadolu Agency | English
Germany calls on Israel, Hamas to implement UN-backed cease-fire proposal  Anadolu Agency | English

Can Ukraine rely on its lenders for long-term defense? | DW News
Ukraine has less than four weeks to negotiate a new deal with its private creditors or risk a default that could affect its ability to fund its economic recovery. The country has a complicated structure of lenders, including multilateral institutions and individual countries, as well as private lenders. Much of its loans come with conditions related…


UPSC Essentials | Mains answer practice — GS 3 : Questions on National Security Advisor and Sustainable … – The Indian Express

UPSC Essentials | Mains answer practice — GS 3 : Questions on National Security Advisor and Sustainable …  The Indian Express


U.S. Officials Say Russia Is Unlikely to Take Much More Ukrainian Territory – The New York Times

U.S. Officials Say Russia Is Unlikely to Take Much More Ukrainian Territory  The New York Times