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Surprise Infiltration, Massive Barrages Shock Israel; Over 250 Israelis Killed, 1,000 Wounded; Civilians and Soldiers Held Hostage in Gaza

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Haaretz | Israel NewsOct 7, 2023LIVE

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Remnants of a destroyed vehicle in the Israeli city of Ashkelon on Saturday following rocket fire from Gaza.Credit: Ilan Assayag
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Israeli police officers taking cover in the southern city of Ashkelon, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Dozens of Palestinian militants infiltrate Israel from Gaza by land, sea and air ■ Some 2,500 rockets fired from the Strip ■ At least 250 Israelis killed, over 1,000 wounded ■ Army strikes Hamas targets in Gaza; 230 Palestinians reportedly killed ■ Terrorists hold Israeli civilians hostage in their homes

The meeting between opposition leader Yair Lapid and opposition member Benny Gantz ended with no agreement.

The State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller says that Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

The Secretary reiterated the United States’ unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel, and called on all leadership in the region to condemn them. The Secretary urged the Palestinian Authority to continue and enhance steps to restore calm and stability in the West Bank.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, 19-year-old Mahmoud Hamis was shot dead by Israeli army forces in Beit Omer, near Hebron in the West Bank.

According to the announcement, he was shot in the chest. Clashes are also currently taking place near Tul Karm and Al-Azriya near Jerusalem.

“I am outraged and horrified by the appalling unprovoked, brutal attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israel. The United States stands firmly with the Government and people of Israel – and unequivocally condemns Hamas’ violence against civilians,” said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

“When I spoke today with Israeli officials, I extended the United States’ heartfelt condolences for the lives lost, and reaffirmed our ironclad support for Israel’s security and right to self-defense. My team and I remain in close contact with our Israeli counterparts,” she added.

In a statement to the media on Saturday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “Hamas started a cruel and evil war. We will win this war, but the price will be heavy… We will take revenge on them for the black day they have inflicted on Israel and its citizens.”

“What happened today hasn’t been seen in Israel, and I will make sure that it doesn’t happen again. The entire government stands behind this decision. The military will immediately use all its power to disable Hamas’ capabilities. We will beat them to death,” he continued.

“I tell Hamas, you are responsible for the wellbeing of captives; Israel will settle the score with anyone who harms them.” Netanyahu also called on Gazans to leave areas near Hamas targets. “This war will take time, it will be difficult. Challenging days are ahead of us,” Netanyahu said.

The office of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has extended the Home Front Command’s state of emergency for southern Israel to the whole country, allowing it to cancel gatherings (including demonstrations).

The directive allows the Home Front Command to cancel demonstrations, performances, studies and other gatherings anywhere in Israel, among other activities. The decision was made, according to Gallant’s office, as part of the security system’s assessment of prolonged fighting.

According to the announcement, the extension of the state of emergency allows the Israeli army to “set special instructions for the population, limit gatherings and close sites in particular places.”

Aaron Haimov, a medic and ambulance driver, was shot to death on Saturday while driving a Magen David Adom ambulance on his way to treat wounded individuals in his southern home town of Ofakim.

25-year-old Haimov was a married father of two. MDA reported that Haimov had been working for the organization for four years.

“Aaron was a devoted man who gave everything he had to save lives,” the Ofakim station chief, Dani Starkman says. He added that Haimov was “loved around the station, very professional” and that he loved the work and helping others. Starkman adds: “Aaron died while performing his duty when he was on his way to treat the wounded. He will be missed by us all very much.”

Israeli forces in Ashkelon pull shrapnel from the street on Saturday following a rocket attack from Gaza.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Since 6 A.M. thousands of rockets were launched from Gaza on cities across central and southern Israel, reaching as far as Jerusalem, while Palestinian terrorists infiltrated communities in the country’s south by land, sea and air.

At least 200 Israelis were killed and over 1,000 were wounded throughout the day. On Saturday evening, the IDF spokesperson said the army had had regained control of most of the Gaza border communities infiltrated by Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants. The military confirmed on Saturday afternoon that a “substantial” amount of Israeli civilians and soldiers are being held hostage in the Gaza Strip by Hamas militants.

In the southern cities of Be’eri and Ofakim, Israeli civilians are held captive by terrorists in their homes, which prompted outcry from a number of U.S. agencies and officials.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir declared a national state of emergency that will go into effect in the evening, and called to recruit all police volunteers across the country.

The Israeli army has responded to the wave of attacks by striking Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip. Palestinians report some 230 killed and over 1,700 wounded in Israeli airstrikes.

“Israel is at war. This is not a so-called military operation,” Netanyahu said on Saturday. Speaking at a security cabinet meeting, he said that Israel’s first goal is “to purge the area of enemy forces that have infiltrated and restore security and peace to the towns that were attacked.”

Netanyahu’s Likud party later stated that the prime minister offered opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz to form an emergency unity government.

U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday that “This is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks,” adding “The world is watching.” Biden said that “The United States stands with the people of Israel in the face of these terrorist assaults,” adding that “Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. Full stop.”

Tens of thousands of Israeli army reserve personnel are also set to be mobilized, and a number of reserve troops participating in the protest movement against the Netanyahu government’s judicial overhaul are returning to reserve duty in light of the incident.

Israeli troops take up positions amid a wave of rockets fired from Gaza and an infiltration along the southern border on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir declared a state of national civil emergency to begin Saturday evening (Israel time), granting Israel’s police force significantly enhanced powers.

The state of civil emergency will apply to the entire country outside a radius of 80 kilometers from the Gaza border, where the military is in control. It will take effect for the coming 48 hours.

In a state of civil emergency, according to the law, the police can impose curfews, declare areas off limits to citizens with no prior warning, and order citizens to make their personal belongings and equipment – such as vehicles and weapons – available to law enforcement officials.

Police officers, during a state of civil emergency, are entitled to use “reasonable force” against civilians who fail to comply with their orders and refuse to hand over their possessions.

The law also stipulates that in a state of civil emergency, police are allowed to use “reasonable force” to break into private homes, so long as they identify themselves and explain their purpose.

U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday that “This is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks,” adding “The world is watching.”

Biden said that “The United States stands with the people of Israel in the face of these terrorist assaults,” adding that “Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. Full stop.”

I personally am going to remain in close contact with Prime Minister Netanyahu as this situation continues to develop. And let there be no mistake: The United States stands with the State of Israel. Just as we have from the moment the United States became the first nation to recognize Israel 11 minutes after its founding, 75 years ago.”

The spokesperson for the Israeli military said the army had regained control of most of the Gaza border communities infiltrated by Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants on Saturday.

The list includes Sderot, Sofa, Kerem Shalom, Nirim, Naziv Hathara, Nir Oz, Nahal Oz outpost, Hulit, Nir Am, Nir Yitzhak, Be’er Sheva, Sde Yemen, Magen and Urim.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, the death marks the fifth person killed today in the West Bank.

An Israeli security source said Saturday night that dozens of participants at a party overnight Saturday in the Re’im forest are still missing after Palestinian militants breached the site.

According to the source, the estimate is that at least some of them were kidnapped and taken to the Gaza Strip.

“President Biden spoke with King Abdullah II of Jordan following his call with Prime Minister Netanyahu. The President continues to receive regular updates on the situation in Israel from his national security team,” the White House press office said.

A 34-year-old woman was seriously wounded when a rocket fell in Tel Aviv, marking the third person seriously wounded in the city. In the rocket barrage towards Tel Aviv launched after 9 P.M., a 70-year-old resident of Bat Yam was also moderately wounded and two were lightly wounded.

Gaza’s Health Ministry reported that 232 Palestinians have been killed since the morning and that 1,697 have been wounded to varying degrees.

A statement published on behalf of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party said Netanyahu offered National Unity party head Benny Gantz and opposition leader Yair Lapid to enter a “broad emergency government,” on Saturday.

Israel’s firefighting department reported the collapse of a building in Tel Aviv following a rocket strike, with two wounded individuals rescued from it.

Rescue teams are searching the building to ensure there are no trapped individuals. In addition to the incident in Tel Aviv, four other missile hits were reported across central Israel – in Holon, Bat Yam, and Givatayim.

National Unity chair Benny Gantz met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday, during which the subject of forming an emergency government was raised, according to Gantz.

Gantz said he was “positively considering the possibility of entering an emergency government for the duration of the war.”

The 24 Jewish Democratic lawmakers in the House of Representatives released a rare joint statement condemning the Hamas attacks and affirming Israel’s right to self-defense.

“We are united in standing with and supporting our ally Israel as it responds to terrorist attacks from Gaza. Hamas has declared war on Israel and her people,” the lawmakers said.

“Our alliance with Israel is unbreakable; our commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad. We extend our condolences to the families of all those killed, our hopes for recovery for the many hundreds wounded, and pray for the safe and immediate return of all hostages taken,” they continued.

The lawmakers added they “support Israel’s right to defend itself – to protect its people and communities – and will do all we can to ensure Israel has the ability and capacity to restore and maintain its security and the safety of all its citizens.”

The statement follows similar individual statements from members of Congress across the ideological spectrum, who have nearly universally come out in support of Israel.

Israeli soldiers mobilized by the army to the country’s south on Saturday had to wait for hours at gathering points until transportation arrived.

In many cases, parents and volunteers had to personally transport the soldiers to areas under fire and rocket attacks. A father who transported his son to the Gaza periphery said, “It’s just unbelievable how, in a military mobilization, the IDF doesn’t know how to transport the soldiers to gathering points and requires parents to risk their lives.”

The father explained that he transported his son along with another friend after they were called to reach a point in the Negev area, but there was no transportation provided. “I took them together with two other volunteering parents. The journey was in an area where many missiles landed. Almost at every junction, we were stopped due to concerns that terrorists were moving in the same area.”

Seven Israelis were wounded in south Tel Aviv when two rockets hit the city directly.

Additionally, three people were seriously wounded in Rishon Letzion and one in Yavne in the rocket barrage, which was launched at 8 P.M.

The fighting between security forces and Hamas militants holding extensive territories in Israeli areas near the border with Gaza has continued into the evening hours on Saturday. Hamas militants are still holding hostages in the Be’eri community as well as in the town of Ofakim.

Fighting zones also include Sderot, Kfar Aza, Erez, Re’im, Kisufim, Holit, and Mivtachim in Israel’s south.

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari stated on Saturday evening that Israel has regained control of some of the communities and towns in the Gaza periphery that were held by Hamas militants, but additional searches are being conducted to confirm this.

Magen David Adom rescue services reported a barrage of rockets across central Israel beginning at 8 P.M.

Israel’s Health Ministry said the number of Israelis who were wounded and hospitalized on Saturday reached 1,104 people, including 17 in critical condition.

200 people are seriously wounded, 226 people are in moderate condition and 451 sustained minor wounds. In addition, according to the ministry’s statement, 11 people suffered anxiety attacks and 142 who are currently undergoing medical evaluation.

U.S. National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson strongly rejected allegations that any decisions from the Biden administration regarding Iran could be linked to the Hamas attacks – an argument propagated by leading Republican presidential candidates.

“I can’t comment on 2024 because of the Hatch Act. But I can clarify the facts: Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people,” she said.

“These funds have absolutely nothing to do with the horrific attacks today and this is not the time to spread disinformation,” Watson added.

White House spokesperson deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said “This is a shameful lie in every respect, at a time when both parties should be totally united in supporting Israel’s defense.”

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai says reserve units of the Border Police have been called up; fighting is still ongoing in several locations.

Israeli Energy Minister Yisrael Katz signed an order that would disconnect the Gaza Strip from the Israeli electricity grid on Saturday evening.

Israel supplies about two-thirds of the Strip’s electricity needs, and the remaining third is produced at the Gaza power plant. Gaza experiences an energy shortage even when supplied with electricity from Israel, and now the shortage is expected to worsen greatly.

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported on Saturday evening that a 13 year old boy was killed by Israeli army fire in the West Bank city of Qalqilya
משרד הבריאות הפלסטיני דיווח כי בן 13 נהרג מאש צה”ל בקלקיליה.

Israeli soldiers deploy in Sderot, southern Israel, on Saturday.Credit: Ohad Zwigenberg /AP

The Israeli military announced that it had killed hundreds of Palestinian militants in southern communities along the Gaza border since the morning.

“Among the incidents, aircraft thwarted two militants who tried to cross the perimeter fence near the Karni crossing, nine more were killed in the area of Kibbutz Nirim, and another four were killed at the Erez Crossing and Kibbutz Nir Oz, by aircraft.

Additional militants were killed in Kibbutzim Sofa, Kfar Gaza and Kerem Shalom,” the army said.

Smoke and flames billow after Israeli forces struck a high-rise tower in Gaza City, on Saturday.Credit: Mohammed Salem/Reuters

The Israeli military struck two high-rise buildings in the Gaza Strip. According to the IDF spokesperson, the buildings contained military infrastructure used by high-ranking members of Hamas.

The spokesperson for the military wing of Hamas, Abu Obeida, stated that the response to this attack “will put Tel Aviv on its feet.” Rocket fire at southern communities and towns in Israel has continued in recent hours. Sirens were activated in communities in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip border fence and in the town of Netivot.

Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’ political bureau, accused Israel of “arrogant” behavior and of damaging the Al Aqsa Mosque, saying “We warned against damaging the mosque, and that we cannot put up with that.”

“We also warned them against continuing the policy of demographic change in the West Bank, and the acceleration of the settlement project, but they continue the raids on the cities and the refugee camps,” Haniyeh said.

“Israel could have silenced us by giving us crumbs, but the government turned its back on any possibility of a prisoner exchange deal, and continued the siege of the Strip,” Haniyeh added.

Haniyeh also blasted National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, claiming that he “continues to behave arrogantly and harm [Palestinian security] prisoners.”

Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir declared a state of national civil emergency to begin Saturday evening (Israel time), granting Israel’s police force significantly enhanced powers.

The state of civil emergency will apply to the entire country outside a radius of 80 kilometers from the Gaza border, where the military is in control. It will take effect for the coming 48 hours.

In a state of civil emergency, according to the law, the police can impose curfews, declare areas off limits to citizens with no prior warning, and order citizens to make their personal belongings and equipment – such as vehicles and weapons – available to law enforcement officials.

Police officers, during a state of civil emergency, are entitled to use “reasonable force” against civilians who fail to comply with their orders and refuse to hand over their possessions.

The law also stipulates that in a state of civil emergency, police are allowed to use “reasonable force” to break into private homes, so long as they identify themselves and explain their purpose.

“Doug’s and my prayers are with the victims of the heinous terrorist attacks in Israel. [President Biden] and my support for Israel’s security is unwavering,” said U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid said on Saturday that he is willing to establish an emergency government with Prime Minister Netanyahu to “oversee the difficult, complex and protracted campaign which lies before us.”

Netanyahu “knows that with the extreme and dysfunctional composition of the current cabinet, it is impossible to wage war,” Lapid said. “Israel needs to be led by a professional, experienced and responsible political rank.”

“In the current state of emergency, I am right to put aside differences, to establish with him a professional, limited emergency government, which will oversee the difficult, complex and protracted campaign which lies before us,” he said.

“I have no doubt that former Defense Minister Benny Gantz will also join such a government,” he added. “Establishing a professional emergency government will make it clear to our enemies that the absolute majority of Israeli citizens stand behind the IDF and the security establishment. It will make it clear to the world, in the international arena, that the people of Israel unite and stand together in the face of threats.”

U.S. President Joe Biden issued a statement condemning ‘terrorist attacks in Israel,’ saying that the president relayed to Benjamin Netanyahu that the U.S. stands ready “to offer all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel.”

“Terrorism is never justified. Israel has a right to defend itself and its people. The United States warns against any other party hostile to Israel seeking advantage in this situation. My Administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering,” the statement read.

Biden added that he and his wife Jill were “keeping in our prayers all of the families who have been hurt by this violence. We are heartbroken by the lives that have been tragically cut short and hope for a swift recovery for all those who have been wounded.”

The IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari said that Israel’s security forces have gained control of part of the communities invaded by Hamas militants. “Hamas launched an offensive from the water, air and land,” Hagari said, adding that over 2,200 rockets were launched into Israel by Hamas.

A fire station commander and a firefighter, a resident of Sderot, were killed on Saturday, Israel’s Fire and Rescue Department said.

According to the statement, one of the dead is Rabbi Shalom Tzaban, 60, a father of two who served as commander of the Kiryat Gat regional fire station.

The second person killed is chief fireman Yevgeni Galsky, 34, who worked at the Nativot fire station for the past three years.

Palestinians celebrate by a burning an Israeli tank at the border fence of the Gaza Strip on Saturday.Credit: Hatem Ali /AP

Palestinian militants are still controlling a large area including communities and Israeli army outposts along the Gaza border.

In some areas, militants are holding hostages inside their homes and other buildings, with fierce exchanges of fire taking place in front of them.

Dozens of Palestinian militants were killed in exchanges of fire with the Israeli army. In many localities Israeli security forces have not yet regained control.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reports that about 30 Palestinians were wounded in clashes with the Israeli army in the West bank over Saturday, with one suffering severe wounds and another in critical condition.

“I absolutely condemn the horrifying attack on Israel by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted on Saturday.

“There is no justification for this violence, and innocent people on both sides will suffer hugely because of it. It must end now.”

A man runs on a road as fire burns after rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, in Ashkelon, Israel on Saturday.Credit: Amir Cohen/Reuters

According to an Israeli police official, between 200 and 300 Hamas militants infiltrated Israel on Saturday morning, with dozens still hidden in Israeli territory.

Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip run by the gate of Kibbutz Kfar Azza on Saturday.Credit: Hassan Eslaiah/AP

Dozens of Palestinian terrorists crossed the border from Gaza into Israel on Saturday morning and infiltrated several communities in the south. Residents reported on Israeli radio and television that terrorists were passing from home to home and there were firefights with Israeli defense forces in some locations.

Some eight hours after the terrorists were first reported in the border communities, a resident of one of the area kibbutzim reported that the shooting was still going on.

“There are still clashes on the kibbutz. We’re hearing gunfire. Apparently there are lots of forces here,” he said. “In the meanwhile, people have their hands on their shelter doors, fearing that terrorists will try to enter the homes again. Homes are being torched. We’re waiting tensely, communicating with each other via phone and email. There are horrible rumors.”

Read the full story here.

Several bodies and many cars were left on the side of Highway 34, between moshav Yakhini and the southern city of Sderot on Saturday.

Most of the cars were riddled with bullet holes and had shattered windows and blood on them, signifying that an exchange of fire took place there earlier. Many fires broke out on the sides of the highway.

Brazil’s Foreign Ministry said on Saturday it would convene an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council following the biggest attack on Israel in years.

Brazil, which assumed the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council this month, condemned the attacks in a public statement and expressed solidarity with the people of Israel. It also reaffirmed a commitment to a “two-state solution,” with Palestine and Israel coexisting within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders.

The IDF acknowledged this afternoon that civilians were abducted to the Gaza Strip, and soldiers fell into captivity during the Hamas attack that began this morning. IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hager stated that among the casualties are civilians, soldiers, and officers, and refrained from specifying the number of Israelis taken by the terrorists.

“We are engaged in very heavy fighting” said Daniel Hagari, and listed 22 sites where fighting against Hamas militants had taken place. “Our goal is that all the terrorists who entered Israel will be eliminated, that all the sites will be cleared.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with opposition leader Yair Lapid at the military headquarters in Tel Aviv on Saturday. He is also set to meet with member of the opposition Benny Gantz.

A resident of Kibbutz Be’eri in Israel’s south, where hostages are being held, told Haaretz that he and his family have been hiding in a bomb shelter since 6:45 A.M. on Saturday.

Gunfire from outside can still be heard, the man said, adding that they have been instructed to stay inside the shelter.

According to him, a young woman with three children, who said that her house had burned down and that her husband was in the emergency room, came to their house.

The family ran to the bomb shelter while being shot at, he said. “They fled through the window of the house. They were shot at on the way. [It’s] like a bad movie,” he said.

The Prime Minister’s Office said U.S. President Joe Biden spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday.

According to the statement, Biden “emphasized that the United States stands by Israel and fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself.” The statement also indicated that Netanyahu “made it clear that a prolonged and powerful campaign will be required.”

“All captives in the hands of the resistance organizations will be held until the release of all our prisoners from Israeli jails,” Islamic Jihad Spokesperson Daoud Shihab stated on Saturday.

According to Shihab, “women and children” have been detained by Israel, so there will be no consideration for the fact that among Israeli captives are adults, women and children. “Every release from our side will come at a price,” he said, adding that “the resistance forces have considered all options, including ground action. They know that every confrontation comes with a price.”

Members of both the Republican and Democratic Party, at the polar ends of the political spectrum, have unequivocally come out in defense of Israel, condemning Hamas’ actions while stressing Israel’s right to defend itself.

Several Republican presidential candidates, along with some Republican members of Congress, have begun to attack the Biden administration for supposedly financially appeasing Iran and empowering Hamas.

“Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden administration,” said former U.S. President Donald Trump.

“We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden whittle it away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible. Here we go again,” he added.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. “unequivocally condemns the appalling attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israel, including civilians and civilian communities,” on Saturday.

“There is never any justification for terrorism,” Blinken continued. “We stand in solidarity with the government and people of Israel, and extend our condolences for the Israeli lives lost in these attacks. We will remain in close contact with our Israeli partners. The United States supports Israel’s right to defend itself.”

The Israeli navy killed dozens of Palestinian militants attempting to enter Israel by sea, the Israeli army reported on Saturday. The army said the intruding force fired at them and hit rubber boats, naval watercraft and an agricultural vehicle.

Israel’s Health Ministry reported that 908 people have been wounded and brought to hospitals in the country since Saturday morning.

Clashes erupted on Saturday afternoon between the IDF and Palestinians in El Bireh, Kalandia, Hebron, and Al-Hadr in the West Bank. According to a military source, a Palestinian in Hebron who threw stones at soldiers was shot.

According to the source, the clashes are not considered larger than recent clashes in the West Bank. Some of the soldiers deployed in the Nablus area in recent days are being transferred to the southern part of the country, and reservists are being called up in their place.

In addition, the IDF has asked settlers to avoid movement between settlements and to refrain from holding events in public places outside the settlements as much as possible.

“Senior national security officials briefed the president this morning on the appalling Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel,” the White House said. “The president will continue to receive updates and White House officials remain in close contact with Israeli partners.”

The deputy chief of Hamas’ political wing Saleh al-Arouri claims that “a large number” of Israelis captured, among them “high ranking officers” are held in Gaza. Al-Arouri further stated: “We are launching an offensive which will escalate further, and the goal is freedom for the Palestinian people and the holy sites.” Al-Aroury warns that “Hamas’ miliary wing won’t sit idly by while Israeli agression continues.”

“France stands in solidarity with Israel and the Israelis, committed to their security and their right to defend themselves,” French President Emmanuel Macron said on X, formerly Twitter, on Saturday.

“I have spoken to President Herzog and Prime Minister Netanyahu,” Macron tweeted. “I condemn the attacks carried out from Gaza on Israel, its soldiers and its people.”

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported 198 people killed since Saturday morning and 1,610 wounded.

Exchanges of fire are taking place in several locations in towns bordering the Gaza Strip. Hostages are being held by Palestinian militants in Kibbutz Be’eri and Ofakim and negotiations for their release are underway.

A police vehicle in Kibbutz Re’im was hit by anti-tank fire, and there are casualties at the scene, police said. Gunfights are also taking place near the Gaza Division base and in Sderot, near the police station in the city.

The number of wounded who were brought to hospitals across the country has risen to 779, Israel’s Health Ministry said on Saturday.

Hospitals located up to 80 km (22 miles) from the Gaza Strip will not hold non-urgent medical treatments tomorrow, according to the ministry.

In addition, the ministry’s director general has ordered a halt to travel plans by healthcare employees, the cancellation of vacations and the publication of a directive for the return of medical staff currently abroad.

Palestinians celebrating by a burning Israeli tank at the border fence of the Gaza Strip on Saturday.Credit: Hatem Ali/AP

The State of Israel has been at war since Saturday morning. Hamas initiated an effective, sudden attack that caught the Israeli intelligence organizations completely by surprise and shattered the operational defense doctrine on the Gaza Strip border.

There is a large number, which has yet to be finally determined, of dead and wounded on the Israeli side. According to reports in Gaza, a considerable number of hostages and corpses have been brought there from Israel.

At this time, the Israel Defense Forces and Israel Police are conducting house-to house battles with armed Palestinians holed up in homes in Israeli communities along the border. The army is calling up reservists at an extent commensurate to war.

There have been terrible massacres in some communities and military bases. Although thousands of rockets and missiles have been fired into Israel, from the south to Jerusalem and the greater Tel Aviv area, that has been mainly a diversion: Hamas’ military effort is concentrated on the Israeli communities on the Gaza border. Tragically, it has been very successful.

Read the full analysis.

The damage at Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital on Saturday.Credit: Itai Ron

The Israeli army is striking targets within Israeli territory and in Gaza. According to the army spokesperson, Palestinian militants were hit near the Gaza border crossing.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he is “closely monitoring developments in Israel,” adding that “Our commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself remains unwavering, and I extend my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this abhorrent attack on civilians.

“Over the coming days the Department of Defense will work to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.”

“I vehemently condemn this morning’s multi-front assault against Israeli towns and cities near the Gaza Strip, and barrage of rockets reaching across central Israel by Hamas militants,” Tor Wennesland, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process said on Saturday.

“These events have resulted in horrific scenes of violence and many Israeli fatalities and injuries, with many believed to be kidnapped inside the Strip. These are heinous attacks targeting civilians and must stop immediately.

“I am deeply concerned for the well-being of all civilians. I am in close contact with all concerned to urge maximum restraint and call on all sides to protect civilians,” his statement read.

The United Arab Emirates called on Israel and the Palestinians on Saturday to prevent further violence and preserve the safety of civilians, the official news agency reported, citing the UAE foreign ministry.

“The UAE calls for the exercise of maximum restraint and an immediate ceasefire to avoid serious repercussions,” the ministry said in a statement, according to the report.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog tweeted on Saturday: “Today we saw the true face of Hamas. A terrorist army whose only goal is the cold-blooded murder of innocent men, women and children. Supported and directed by their proxy commanders in Iran, they carried out an unprovoked, heinous attack against the Jewish state on a Jewish holy day. Innocent civilians were massacred and wounded, and many are still under attack.

“The State of Israel will take all measures necessary to eliminate this clear and immediate danger to our citizens. Israel will overcome in the face of all challenges.

“I call upon the family of nations – this war waged against us marks a line in the sand. Now is the time to hear clear, unequivocal condemnation of Hamas, its allies and its backers in Iran. Now is the time to stand firm with Israel in support of its just and moral battle in the face of an abhorrent enemy.”

The parking lot in Ashkelon.

A rocket fired from Gaza landed in the parking lot of a building in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on Saturday. Fires have broken out in various spots in the city from the impact of the rocket launches.

Barzilai Hospital on Saturday.Credit: Itai Ron
Netanyahu, Hanegbi, Netanyahu’s military secretary Avi Gil, Levin, Dermer and others at the Defense Political Cabinet meeting, on Saturday.Credit: Chaim Tzach/Government Press Office

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened Israel’s security cabinet on Saturday afternoon, saying in the meeting that “As of this morning, Israel is in a state of war.” Netanyahu added that the military’s first objective is to purge all southern communities of terrorists who had infiltrated them and to “restore security and peace in all communities that suffered the attack.”

Netanyahu added that the military’s second objective is to “make the enemy pay a tremendous price,” and the third to secure other potentially violent arenas “so no one else will think about joining this war.”

“In a time of war, we all need to stay calm. I call all Israel citizens to unite, so we can accomplish our objective – winning this war,” he said.

White House National Security Council Spokesperson Adrienne Watson issued a third statement condemning the recent wave of rockets across Israel on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Saturday.

“The U.S. unequivocally condemns the unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians. There is never any justification for terrorism. We stand firmly with the Government and people of Israel and extend our condolences for the Israeli lives lost in these attacks,” she said.

The southern city of Ashkelon, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Despite the recent violent escalation near the Gaza border in recent weeks, senior security officials assessed last week that Hamas wishes to avoid a full-fledged war with Israel. The officials claimed that Hamas would not wish to jeopardize past achievements that bettered the lives of the Gazan residents.

Egypt warned of “grave consequences” from an escalation in tensions between Israel and the Palestinians in a statement from the foreign ministry carried by the state news agency on Saturday.

It called for “exercising maximum restraint and avoiding exposing civilians to further danger”.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri also held a call with European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell to discuss developments between Israel and the Palestinians since Friday evening, stating that both sides should exercise restraint to avoid serious risks.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged restraint in face of a dangerous escalation between the Palestinian militant organization Hamas and Israel.

“We call on the parties to act with restraint in light of the events in Israel this morning and to stay away from impulsive steps that will escalate tensions,” Erdogan told his ruling party congress in capital Ankara.

Erdogan separately urged against “any kind of attempt” to harm the “historical and religious status” of al-Aqsa Mosque on the site known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, in Jerusalem.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed solidarity with Israel following Saturday’s massive attacks by the Palestinian militant organization Hamas.

“Terrifying news is reaching us today from Israel,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz posted on X.
“We are deeply shocked by the rocket fire from Gaza and the escalating violence. Germany condemns these Hamas attacks and stands by Israel’s side.”

President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen said on X (formerly Twitter) Saturday “I unequivocally condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel. It is terrorism in its most despicable form. Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks.”

File photo. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, last month.Credit: Majdi Mohammed /AP

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a statement Saturday following a preliminary situation assessment, saying that he had directed the Palestinian Authority security forces “to protect Palestinians everywhere.”

“The Palestinian people has the right to defend itself from any aggression by [Jewish] settlers and the Israeli occupation forces,” he added.

The IDF has not yet gained control in any of the locations that involve terrorist infiltration in southern Israel. Residents are still in shelters and report that no Israeli security forces nor available medical staff are on site.

Emergency services in the southern city of Ashkelon, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag
A building in Tel Aviv after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit it on Saturday morning.Credit: Itai Ron

A Palestinian man tried to stab a security guard at the Beit Aryeh settlement, who shot the assailant. The security guard was unharmed, while the condition of the assailant was not immediately clear.

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai said that the police are managing “a number of war zones together with the IDF and with special units and all the additional forces that have been launched towards the Gaza Strip.”

He added: “We know about civilians who are barricaded in all kinds of places. We call on everyone to stay behind closed doors, we will reach everyone in the end. We are moving from one scene to another. There are quite a few terrorists who have been killed in the various scenes. Unfortunately, there are also casualties from our forces and civilians who were nearby. I call the public to show restraint and patience and to lock themselves in their homes.”

Hezbollah announced on Saturday that “the military action that began this morning on behalf of the factions in Gaza is a decisive response to the crimes of the [Israeli] occupation and aggression against holy sites.”

According to the militant group’s statement, these attacks carry “a clear message to the Arab and Islamic world, and especially to those who strive for a normalization agreement.” The announcement also stated that “the organization’s leadership is in continuous contact with the leadership of the Palestinian resistance forces inside and outside the Palestinian territories,” and that “the parties are constantly assessing the situation.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday morning that “Israel is at war. This is not a so-called military operation, not another round of fighting, but war.”

“I have discussed with the heads of Israel’s security establishment and ordered to first of all secure all [Gaza Border] communities from the presence of Hamas terrorists,” Netanyahu added. “I have also ordered an extensive reserve recruitment and the mobilization of forces to counter back with forcefully in a manner the enemy has never known… We are at war. We will win.”

On Saturday morning, some 2,500 rockets were launched from Gaza on cities across central and southern Israel, reaching as far as Jerusalem, while Palestinian terrorists infiltrated communities in the country’s south by land, sea and air. Over 200 Israelis were reportedly wounded – and several were killed – throughout the day. Israeli police estimate that there are currently 60 terrorists in 14 locations throughout the country.

Palestinians are blocking roads and hurling stones in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan while police are firing tear gas at them.

Shabbat prayers in Jerusalem have been canceled and residents were ordered to go back to their houses as the city opens all its public shelters.

Israelis living in the southern part of the country are calling on the army to send security forces, and say it has been hours without news of a rescue amid a mass infiltration of Palestinian terrorists from Gaza.

“We are being slaughtered. There is no army. It has been 6 hours. People are begging for their lives,” one Israeli in a southern kibbutz said.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Saturday that there are currently a number of concentrated areas where the terrorists who infiltrated from Gaza are located, and that “the IDF is flooding the south” with security forces.

A number of protest groups against the Netanyahu government’s judicial overhaul are now shifting their focus in light of the wave of attacks from Gaza, and are opening their homes to those who are currently under fire in Israel’s south.

An apartment building which sustained damage during rocket fire from Gaza on Ashkelon, in Israel’s south, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag
The city of Ashkelon, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

In a video taken inside Israel while gunfire is heard around him, a Palestinian journalist reported that Hamas members have “infiltrated two of the most important kibbutzim” in southern Israel: Nir Oz and Nir Am. He said that they try to kidnap Israeli civilians and soldiers into the Gaza Strip. He further stated that the terrorists entered the Gaza Border communities after “walking for about an hour.”

People run for cover in the city of Ashkelon, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Gaia, a Tel Aviv resident, told Haaretz that she spoke on the phone with her sister in the southern Kibbutz of Nir Oz, who told her militants from Gaza had been inside the family’s house.

“She told me that she and my brother and father were hiding in the shelter. She said the [militants] walked out after a few minutes, but I haven’t been able to reach my family since.” Gaia added that her brother had written her that there are many casualties in the kibbutz but no police or Israeli army forces have been seen. Her comments echo mounting criticism by Gaza area residents that hours after the infiltrations took place, there has been no sign of Israelis security forces and they feel abandoned.

The city of Ashkelon, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

The southern Bedouin city of Rahat is in currently in the center of the security situation involving rocket fire and terrorist infiltration, while possessing almost no means of protection from attack.

“There are maybe ten shelters here in all of Rahat, in an area of 45,000 dunams,” Mayor Ata Abu Mediam told The Marker. “I asked for fifty protective shield in the previous round of rockets- they brought me two.” he added.

“After this round, I am not sending the children back to school. In the meantime, the schools in the settlement are open, and those who do not have a home or shelter should stay in the schools,” the mayor added, saying that five residents of Rahat were hit by arms fire while working in agriculture in fields around the Gaza Strip.

“One woman working in agriculture was seriously injured in the neck. I have no verification whether the weapons were fired by Gazans or security forces,” he added. A shooting attack on the Albat neighborhood has been reported, resulting in an unspecified number of deaths and injuries.

Earlier Saturday morning, a number of deaths from falls in other Bedouin villages in the Negev were reported, including those who are officially “unrecognized” legally – meaning that they receive minimal government services.

The Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Negev Arab Community, Attorney Taleb Elsana, posted a video on Twitter in which he called for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to act urgently to provide mobile shelters to unrecognized settlements.

Abu Mediam has previously contacted Defense Minister Yoav Galant last May, asking for increased assistance to his city. According to the mayor, 75,000 people live in Rahat, but no public shelter has ever been built there. Many of the homes there were built before the 1990s, before shelters in residences were required, and are left unprotective. In addition, 15,000 additional residents live in villages and encampments around the city, who are also unprotected from attack.

Israeli forces during a terrorist infiltration in Israel on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

The IDF spokesman said around 2,200 rockets were launched on Israel from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, and that terrorists infiltrated by “the sea, the air and the land.” Tens of thousands of Israeli army reserve personnel will be mobilized due to the security situation.

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs said it “unequivocally condemned the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”

Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh, in 2014.Credit: Adel Hana / AP

Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh issued a statement on Saturday morning following the organization’s attack on Israel, saying that his militants “are leading a heroic campaign aimed at defending Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque, the holy places and the [Palestinian] prisoners.”

He added that the main reason for the attack is the aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque that reached its peak in the last few days.

WASHINGTON – While speaking on the recent wave of attacks launched by Gaza, Israel Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Herzog noted that Hamas is a U.S.-designated terror organization, and said “we expect the free world to unequivocally condemn it and support Israel’s right to self-defense.”

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Embassy said it is closely monitoring the security situation, adding it “is aware that there have been casualties as a result of these incidents.”

“U.S. citizens are reminded to remain vigilant and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness as security incidents, including mortar and rocket fire, often take place without warning,” the embassy said, adding that its personnel are currently sheltering in place.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, last month.Credit: Avishag Shaar-Yashuv

Stephanie Hallett, the chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, issued a second statement condemning the recent wave of rockets across Israel on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Saturday.

“Sickened by the images coming out of southern Israel of dead and wounded civilians at the hands of terrorists from Gaza. The United States stands with Israel.”

The Israeli government is set to convene a cabinet meeting at 17:00 P.M. Also, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai will hold a situation assessment at 10:00 A.M. at the Israel Police national headquarters.

Israeli police chief Kobi Shabtai in Israel in June.Credit: Fadi Amon

Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai announced in a statement that “We’re in a state of war. We are under a massive attack from the Gaza Strip. There are currently 21 active high confrontation locations in southern Israel. The Yamam counterterrorism unite is at the scene… The entire southern region is closed [for civilian movement].”

Smoke rises after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit a house in Ashkelon, southern Israel, on Saturday.Credit: Tsafrir Abayov /AP

The organization leading the struggle against the Netanyahu government’s judicial overhaul announced Saturday that “in light of the serious security situation that began this morning, all protests scheduled this evening across the country have been cancelled.”

The statement released by the official “Struggle Headquarters” added: “we offer strength to all of citizens and our full support to the IDF and security forces. We call on everyone who is summoned to report to duty, to stand and volunteer to protect the safety and health of the residents of Israel.”

Earlier on Saturday, the protest organizations Brothers and Sisters in Arms and Forum 555, which unite reservists opposed to the judicial overhaul, called on all their followers to return to duty

Police forces in southern Israel, on Saturday.Credit: Itai Ron

Former Prime Minister and Opposition Leader Yair Lapid was briefed by Maj. Gen. Avi Gil, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s military secretary.

Israel is in a state of emergency. We will support the government in any decisive military response,” a statement by Lapid’s office said.

WASHINGTON – Stephanie Hallett, the chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, denounced the recent wave of rocket attacks against Israel on Saturday in the first comment from a U.S. official on the incident.

“I condemn the indiscriminate rocket fire by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians. I am in contact with Israeli officials, and fully support Israel’s right to defend itself from such terrorist acts.”

Palestinian militants infiltrated the southern Israeli towns of Netivot and Ofakim. A source in police says they are holding civilians hostage in Ofakim.

Israeli army forces in southern Israel, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Dozens of terrorists infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, and a number of gunfights are currently underway in several localities in the south.

Terrorists reportedly entered an Israeli police station in Sderot, and a shootout is taking place there, according to a police official.

Residents in the Israeli communities along the Gaza border confirmed an exchange of gunfire between Israeli security forces and armed men is taking place in the streets.

Residents are locking themselves in their homes, according to a spokesman for the Sderot municipality in Israel’s south.

A rocket interception in southern Israel, on Saturday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

The Israeli protest organization Kaplan Force canceled its scheduled Saturday night demonstration in Tel Aviv in light of the hail of rocket fire on cities across Israel.

“We support the IDF and the security forces who are doing their job at this difficult time, and wish for the restoration of peace and security,” the group announced in a statement.

As of the early morning hours, it seems as if Hamas has declared war on Israel. The organization launched a surprise attack that included launching hundreds of rockets into Israel’s south and central districts, and the infiltration of dozens of terrorists into communities near the Gaza Strip border. One Israeli woman has been reported killed in Kfar Aviv and a building in southern Ashkelon was damaged.

Initial reports indicate that the militants used paragliders and forcibly broke through gates used by IDF forces near the Gaza Strip border. Residents reported and took videos showing squads of Hamas militants marching into the southern city of Sderot. Another video record showed a van filled with armed militants brandishing their weapons.

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai spoke Saturday morning on a rocket attack which struck a park in central Israel, and confirmed that no residents were injured in the incident.

“A large tree was struck, lots of shrapnel, lots of apartments that were damaged, luckily no one injured,” said Huldai, standing in the street covered in shattered glass from car windows.

“I won’t give my opinion [on the security situation] let those who need to their work do their work to get out of danger. We were informed just after it happened, and we are now here, at the homes seeing what needs to be done. See, the electricity company is already here,” he said, gesturing to workers checking out a building next to the park.

“This is where we live,” he said.

Amid a wave of rocket fire from Gaza on Israel, a number of IDF reservist protesters and pilots against the Netanyahu government’s judicial overhaul have decided to resume their reserve duties.

Many troops are now on their way to their respective squadrons. At this point, it remains unclear what percentage of reservists are returning to duty, but it appears to be a significant amount. The protest organizations Brothers and Sisters in Arms and Forum 555, which unite reservists opposed to the judicial overhaul, called on all their followers to return to duty

Amid a wave of rocket fire on Israel, Mohammed Deif, the head of Hamas’ military wing, issued a statement that “we warned the enemy not to continue his aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

He added that “this is only the first stage” of Hamas’ renewed efforts against Israel.

Deif continued: “The age of the enemy’s aggression without a response is over. I call on Palestinians everywhere in the West Bank and within the Green Line to launch an attack without restraint. Go to all the streets. I call on Muslims everywhere to launch an attack.”

The Israeli army struck a number of Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday following a wave of rocket fire from the coastal enclave on cities across Israel.

Rocket sirens were activated across central and southern Israel, and the Israeli army reported a terrorist infiltration from Gaza, in the early hours of Saturday morning.

A person was wounded in Kfar Aviv when their vehicle was hit, and a building in southern Ashkelon was damaged.

A woman was critically wounded by a rocket attack on southern Israel, and later died. Three people were also wounded in the central Israeli city of Ramle, one lightly and two seriously.

Additionally, a building in Tel Aviv sustained damage from rocket shrapnel. Israeli police reported that power lines were on the ground and warned residents to stay away remain indoors.

Residents near the Gaza border reported shooting toward their houses, and the Israeli army issued an announcement later in the day asking Israeli residents in Gaza border communities to remain inside due to a suspected terrorist infiltration.

Paid by the office of attorney Rakefet Shfaim