
‘Havana Syndrome’ – and a Possible Russia Connection – The Cipher Brief

‘Havana Syndrome’ – and a Possible Russia Connection  The Cipher Brief


‘Havana Syndrome’ – and a Possible Russia Connection

SUBSCRIBER+ INTERVIEW — Who – or what – is to blame for the debilitating symptoms known as “Havana Syndrome”? The question has been asked repeatedly since symptoms (that can include debilitating headaches and vertigo) were first reported nearly a decade ago. Now, fresh reporting from a group of respected investigative journalists suggests that Russia may have a hand in what some believe to be a series of calculated attacks against U.S. government employees and Congress is investigating a possible Russian connection. 

It’s called “Havana Syndrome” because the first reported symptoms were traced to U.S. officials who were based in the Cuban capital. But symptoms have also been reported in many other parts of the world.

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